Yes, need. But what would the point of an underground minecart system be if it were much faster to walk?

Edit: Map with Quontex's recent expedition.
Edit 2: I present to you Novascotchara (by SuperNova) and Quonbla (where Quontex went on expedition). Do you accept the borders?

Edit 3: SuperNova talked about making a wiki for Blacraft, and I think it'd be a great idea to have wiki pages for Blacraft. However, I prefer to have one wiki, which I use as a homepage for everything I make (I don't meant to say I made everything in Blacraft, but that I "founded" Blacraft). So, what would you think about Blacraft being an area on a planet called "
Ziva", which is an earth-like planet orbiting Pola, the capital star of The Blaxian Space State? The Blacraft main page will then be below the page for Ziva, but I can also link directly to it from the main wiki site.
Edit 4: Thinking more about this, I don't think it fits Ziva. The biomes are far too varied for an area on such a planet, it wouldn't make any sense. So either it should be another planet, or the Blacraft part should be a directory under the main site of the wiki, or it should be a completely seperate wiki. Hmm?