Does this help anyone? No one knows wht they mean.
Also, refrain from using capitals, those are going out of date and do not work on some servers.
<html> the tag you use to make it.
<header> The header part
<body> The part with most stuff
<footer> The footer
<p> Paragraph, text goes here
<b> bold
<td>table seciont thing (i can't describe)
<tr> A row in the <td>
<br /> A line break
<li> list (i think)
<a href=""> link
<img src-"file\location.jpg"> images
<h1>level header
<h2>level header
<h3>level header (you can go to h6)
<p style="background-color:#FFFFFF">
<p style="font-family:Sylfaen">
<p style="font-size:570 pt">
No need for tab deoxy! I never use tab!