The following link may not work, but we'll see: is a thread I started on my personal favorite forums.
Basically, I'm working on a fantasy / sci-fi project and I'm wanting the setting to be a planet in a binary star system. Cliche? Dunno. Anywho, mostly I'm trying to put at least a semblance of realism in how this planet will function.
I want a large, blue sun (either a blue giant, or a smaller blue dwarf that is close to the planet?), and then a small yellow sun. I want the planet to be in an orbit such that for part of the year, the yellow sun is hidden behind the blue sun. This is more for dramatic effect, but I want it to hold up to basic geek scrutiny if possible. What I originally wanted is for winter to be the period when the yellow sun is hidden, giving the planet an eerie blue light during the day, on and off greenish in the spring and fall, and normal(ish) in the summer.
This evolved a bit as the discussion went on - if a blue giant, the planet would have to have a massive orbit, probably 3au out at least, or be a radioactive cinder. With such an orbit, perhaps the periods where the yellow sun is closer would be "summer", and then discussions of weird seasonal patterns and such.
Then the suggestion to Universe Sandbox came and I tried - and failed, naturally - to create a stable binary system.
If I can get a little help on how to set up a stable binary system with multiple planets in stable orbits, including one that could realistically support life, I'd buy this software in an instant just to have pictures and diagrams of how things work and have some great fodder for how things will look and feel.
If the link above doesn't work, I'll paste in the pertinent points, but here is a short list:
1. Need to create a stable binary system with at least one life supporting planet; 1 small yellow sun, 1 large blue sun (or small blue sun closer to planet?) Planet will have 2 moons, and I want several other bodies in the system as well.
..A: How distant would the two stars need to be?
..B: How do I make the two stars orbit together, rather than one orbiting the other? Or would the smaller star orbit the larger like a planet?
..C: Should the planet orbit around both stars (the popular opinion in the above thread), or orbit the larger sun with the smaller in a more distant orbit?
2. Need help understanding how such a planet would function - most of which I can gather from Universe Sandbox if I get a stable system set up. The piece I can't gather from US is how the planet's orbit would affect climate / seasons. More importantly, I can't get a stable orbit in the first place TO understand any of this

Any help would be appreciated, as there is no way I'm going to successfully set this system up on my own, knowing, well, next to nothing about the math involved in all this.