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Author Topic: Protostars, protoplanets and early Solar system(or random system)  (Read 3297 times)


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Hello, is it possible to add a function such as the formation of the solar system in the early stages (protostar, protoplanet, disk, etc.). Ie to observe the accidental formation of the system, the formation of gas giants gradually gaining power and not allowing other planets to form alongside, and leaving them in the form of asteroids for example?

Gurren Lagann TSS

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Re: Protostars, protoplanets and early Solar system(or random system)
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2018, 04:31:12 AM »
Hello, is it possible to add a function such as the formation of the solar system in the early stages (protostar, protoplanet, disk, etc.). Ie to observe the accidental formation of the system, the formation of gas giants gradually gaining power and not allowing other planets to form alongside, and leaving them in the form of asteroids for example?

As Cesare said like 1 trillion times, its not possible, sadly.


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    • Cesare Vesdani
Re: Protostars, protoplanets and early Solar system(or random system)
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2018, 01:53:03 PM »
Sorry, but this is not possible yet. In the future, developers will hopefully add the ability to simulate the birth of stars, gas giants and terrestrial planets forming around the proto star's disk of dust and asteroids.

Before any of this stuff can be done, developer have to release Update 21 and add the planet grids and lasers feature. Lasers are not that important but planet grids are because they will path the way to more complex abilities such as simulating overall temperature on planets instead of only the average temperature.

Just be patient and the development of solar system will hopefully be added. That may take around two or more years for this feature to be implemented in Universe Sandbox 2.