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Author Topic: Add more rocky planets, gas giants and stars on the Add Objects list  (Read 3219 times)


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  • Posts: 656
  • Universe Sandbox 2 is my favourite simulator.
    • Cesare Vesdani
I have noticed that since Alpha 16, there has been many white dwarf stars with names that begin with PSR which have been removed in later versions.

However, there is a lack of rocky planets, gas giants and stars in the "Add Objects" list. Please add more celestial bodies to the listing of rocky planets, gas giants and stars. To begin, the catalog of stars seems quite empty, so it does not have enough stars. The same thing goes for rocky and gas giants, we need more.

There should also be a full list of all the discovered Kepler planets and stars that must be added to the "Add Objects" catalog list of objects.

Gurren Lagann TSS

  • *****
  • Posts: 120
Habitable COROT-7b... huh.


  • *****
  • Posts: 656
  • Universe Sandbox 2 is my favourite simulator.
    • Cesare Vesdani
We need more rocky and gas giant planets and stars which are not yet available in the Add Object menu.