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Author Topic: Changing orbital properties of a parent planet without losing its satellites  (Read 2589 times)


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In my game, I have a ringed gas giant being orbited by a rocky planet with its own moon all in orbit around a star. The gas giant's current eccentricity, however, is too high, and I would like to change it to be lower. The problem is that upon trying to change any of the orbital properties of the gas giant, only the gas giant changes position while everything in orbit around the gas giant (including the rings) is left behind. The closest fix I have come up with is to select the gas giant and all of its satellites using the edit tool and move them closer to the star, but the eccentricity stays the same. Is there a way to either change the eccentricity of a planet without it moving or attach the satellites of a planet to the planet itself when changing orbital properties?


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As far as I know, there's no way to do this without some super fancy editing patterns. I'm all for a new system that would allow this.

Angel Armageddon

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Remake the sim