Stella Dominus
Stella Dominus is something I discovered while messing around with Universe Sandbox 2 as you usually do, and I discovered that you can interact with the red specks floating around galaxies, titled Dark Matter. I entered the actions tab, clicked convert fragment, and was introduced to a Dark Matter Nova Remnant. After saving the object and loading it into an empty universe, unforeseen changes took place to the star, and so Stella Dominus was born. It takes ~100 million years to orbit around the star just once.
Sizing in at a whopping 4000000000 suns, with a radius of 41627000000000000000 metres. It has a surface temperature, it is so big that attempting to blow it up with the Explode power does not work. It is physically incapable of being destroyed from my experience.
Attempting to compress it into a space of 1 AU has crashed my game and almost broke my PC. The smaller the radius of Stella Dominus, the more godly your PC can prove to be.
Save is attached for anybody interested in... Experimenting It comes with a size comparison to other stars and our solar system too, if you like those. If you can destroy it without deleting it or turning it into a black hole, I will give you a cookie :3