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Author Topic: Suggestions - Integral Temperature and More Composition Options  (Read 2122 times)


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Suggestions - Integral Temperature and More Composition Options
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:50:04 PM »
1. "Integral temperature" setting. By default, an object has no integral temperature. However, by setting a custom value, the object will never cool down beyond that set value. Intended to simulate anomalous heating mechanics from within an object itself or from other external forces separate from stars or tidal heating.

2. More composition options, namely those that would affect the color of a planet's atmosphere (like chlorine or carbon dioxide), the contents of oceans (including things like liquid ammonia or methane for very low temperatures or acids for very high temperatures), or the colors and density of a gas/ice giant.

Angel Armageddon

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Re: Suggestions - Integral Temperature and More Composition Options
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2016, 05:24:57 PM »
Sounds good.