I saw this referenced in another thread, and found that it's been
featured on the blog, but found no dedicated thread.
For those who didn't already know: Sometimes the devs let us preview / "beta test" an alpha for some time before release. To access it: 1) right click "Universe Sandbox" in your Steam Games Library. 2) Click "Properties" in the pulldown menu. 3) Go to the BETAS tab. 4) Choose Alpha19preview from the list.
I've so far only had time to toy a little with the new function (Roche Limit? - The more psysics savvy can explain) that turns bodies into fragments when exposed to strong forces like a black hole.
Very interesting so far. As I mentioned I haven't had the time to go through this yet, but I'm looking forward to further investigation.
I'd love to hear other people's comments and reactions to this one. More info in the aforelinked
blog entry.