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Author Topic: Gliese 876 System Inaccurate  (Read 9103 times)


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Gliese 876 System Inaccurate
« on: March 27, 2016, 07:48:37 PM »
The Gliese 876 system is inaccurate, Gliese 876d is a gas giant, Gliese 876b, and c are terrestrial planets.

This isn't right, Gliese 876d is supposed to be the rocky planet, the others should be gas giants, not rock giants.

Please fix this in the next update.

Same problem with 16 Cygni Bb, it's a rocky planet when it should be a gas giant, Plus, 16 Cygni Bb is more jupiter sized rather than half its size.

Hope you fix that as well.

Chart Mode is on for Gliese 876 so that all the planets would be visible at once.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 07:53:42 PM by Gregory »


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Re: Gliese 876 System Inaccurate
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2019, 08:16:10 PM »
I haven't been on here since 2016, but I have made a revision of the system, using the original sim to fix into how it should be.

Here's a screenshot of the system showing its orbits.
And another one, showing chart mode to emphasize the sizes and appearances of the planets.

D is now rendered here as a terrestrial planet, with its diameter revised to 1.65x Earth's radius based on most likely belief and studies.
E, b, and c are now converted to gas giants or mini-neptunes by increasing the hydrogen layer (keep in mind a 0% hydrogen/water layer makes the planet entirely rocky).

It was once believed c would have a large moon, but with tidal interactions between the planets d, e, and b, along with the star, the changes of a large moon in the system in its lifetime is unlikely.
Though it's possible it has a ring system, as seen here.

Here's the simulation of how the system's most likely to be.


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Re: Gliese 876 System Inaccurate
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2019, 08:26:17 PM »
Due to the 4 attachment limit, I decided to reply here.

Here's the attachment of the bodies.

Gliese 876 d is believed to be a terrestrial super earth, or super mercury/super io to be more accurate, with a mass of 6.9 earths, and a radius of 1.65x earth's.
c and b are now gas giants or mini neptunes, as they're said to have no solid surfaces (other than likely solid cores, very small ones on the sim).