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Author Topic: Objects for download [V2]  (Read 11224 times)


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Objects for download [V2]
« on: February 23, 2016, 11:20:54 AM »
This is my second part of the "Objects for download" creation.

1. The Biggest of ´em all (the biggest star I have ever managed to create, 20 Times bigger than my old Gigantica Z1 creation)  (IMPORTANT: you have to place the object, while you are in pause mode, and then add a bunch of mass to it (like 1000000000 Milkys). Otherwise the object will just disappear within seconds.)

2. Mnusti (a rocky planet with 8700KM radius and a beautiful-rainbow looking atmosphere) (feel free to terraform it, it looks very cool)

3. _big_ ship (a gigantic New Horizons spacecraft with the radius of 1.700.000 Milkyways) (you can change the radius without breaking it)

4. RH-2231 (I tried to compress mass as much as possible. This was the result: A bowling ball with a radius of 18800 KM but a mass of 26000000000 Milky ways)

How to install (windows):

1. Go to your "documents" folder

2. Now open the "Universe Sandbox²" folder

3. Drag and drop the .ubox folder into the "bodies" folder

4. Have fun!

(the object should be located under "user objects" when you try to spawn an object)

If you have intresting objects or simulations, feel free to message me the linked file and I will maybe post it in the text part with your name as the author :D.


PS: ( the "the biggest of ´em all" file doesnt show its name on the download link, just click on the paperclip on the 78.47kb file )

« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 11:25:10 AM by gedro7000 »


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    • Cesare Vesdani
Re: Objects for download [V2]
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2018, 06:59:30 PM »
Is it possible to customize the colors of gas giants and stars by modifying ubox files?

Gurren Lagann TSS

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Re: Objects for download [V2]
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2018, 06:45:44 AM »
Is it possible to customize the colors of gas giants and stars by modifying ubox files?
Yes, it is.