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Author Topic: Fragments  (Read 3986 times)

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« on: December 24, 2015, 05:04:19 PM »
Hey, I have some suggestions to improve the fragment system. I like making creating solar systems with multiple objects on collision course to see what comes of the fragments, and these simple changes would improve this experience.

1. There should be a "random name" button for fragments

When you select a fragment, you should be able to give it a random name. A whole lot of fragments spawn and not a lot make it, but those who do are objects and they should get a random name or a random astronomical designation without us having to make names up for them and rename them one by one. This leads directly to number #2:

2. There should be a "Rename All Fragments" power

In the extended powers list, this would feel at home. Basically, pressing this would rename all fragments in one easy button. Which leads to...

3. Delete all fragments should only delete objects named Fragment

If we go through the trouble of renaming an object, chances are we don't consider it to be a throwaway fragment but an object of interest. Delete all fragments power can't be used to remove clutter if you have fragments you care about.

So there you go. I'll go out on a limb and say that these should be pretty simple to implement, especially from a gameplay standpoint where there is really no harm that could come out of this. What do you think, fellow players and developers?

Bonus question: Something in advanced simulation options mentions fragment count in case an object breaks up due to passing the Roche limit of a nearby body, but is this feature something that is implemented already?


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Re: Fragments
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2015, 07:41:47 AM »
I second this motion.  I would also like to see surviving fragments be able to be modified in terms of composition, water, organics, etc., as would be the case for any other non-stellar body.  After all, it should be possible to create new planets by fragmenting old (used?) ones?  (Why not?)

And one more thing:  Not sure if this is still the case, but in 16.x, I once "fragmented" a star and had bits and pieces of it flying everywhere!  That made no sense--a star is a gaseous body and should explode (nova) or flow apart (e.g., being pulled into/consumed by a black hole), not shatter into a thousand pieces.... Neither should it just disappear....