Strion P7H0Inner System

Outer System

Here's my first contribution to this thread. This is the Strion P7H0 system, discovered in 2086 on one of the human race's many teraformed outposts in the galaxy. Located in the Strion nebula, this system boasts 14 planets (12 not counting Heblorix and Meuzuno, the dwarf planets). 7 rocky panets, 3 gas giants, 3 ice giants, and 1 Venusian planet.
Strion P7H0The star holding the entire system together. It is 1.37 solar masses 4.43 luminosity (I would change it, but when I do, Strion P7H0 just shrinks into and disappears). Not much to say, really.
JusceycuryThe first planet of the Strion P7H0 system. Due to its close proximity to Strion P7H0, it is tidally locked, one face looking at Strion P7H0 all the time. It is also the smallest planet in the Strion P7H0 system, smaller than the dwarf planets. There is currently a debate on whether or not Jusceycury should be a planet, along with its 2 other neighbors, Saspoazuno and Wablum, due to how close to each other their orbits are. On the surface, there is a currently unknown material, giving off a blue color. The higher in latitude, the lighter it gets. No current explanation for this has been made yet. There is a theory that suggests Jusceycury, Saspoazuno, and Wablum are moons that were sent flying towards the inner system and somehow made stable orbits.
SaspoazunoThe second planet of the Strion P7H0 system, and it is also tidally locked. Its surface is a sickly green, with mostly flat terrain. Any terrain that isn't mostly flat are extreme mountains and canyons. As stated in the description of Jusceycury, it is being disputed whether or not Saspoazuno is actually a planet or not.
WablumThe third planet of the Strion P7H0 system. It is more massive than than Jusceycury and Saspoazuno combined. It is also tidally locked, and the last tidally locked planet. Its surface is orange and white with battle scars from earlier days, possibly when the gas giants of the system were moving around. As stated in the description of Jusceycury, it is being disputed whether or not Wablum is actually a planet or not.
AdgradeThe fourth planet of the Strion P7H0 system. Its smaller than Wablum, and its surface is very plain in color. However, what it lacks in color, it has in terrain. Vast mountain ranges scale the surface of Adgrade, and when there's no mountains there are craters or canyons. Adgrade's core is only 8.83% of its mass, with the other 91.2% made out of solid silicate. Whatever this planet has experienced in the past, it wasn't pretty. Adgrade has one tiny moon, possibly formed by a collision, as it orbits by Adgrade's axis. It orbits Adgrade in 2.15 days.
LuenusThe fifth planet of the Strion P7H0 system. Its surface is also covered in a similar material to what is on Jueceycury's surface. It is a little bit more massive than the Earth, at 1.06 Earth masses. It has two asteroid moons orbiting in irregular orbits, suggesting they were either captured or fragments of a collision.
ChaamiaThe sixth planet of the Strion P7H0 system. It is a planet very similiar to Venus, as it has a thick atmosphere made up of carbon dioxide. It is a little bit in the habitable zone (going by the luminosity Strion P7H0 is SUPPOSED to be, 4.43), suggesting it was, like Venus, habitable. It was most likely shoved in by the nearest gas giant, Thuzavis, mirgrating in. Because of rising tempatures from being pushed in, all water on Chaamia's surface evaporated. It has one small moon that orbits in a very quick 1.10 days.
ThuzavisThe first gas giant and seventh planet of the Strion P7H0 system. It is 0.625 times the mass of Jupiter, or 199 times more massive than Earth. Due to the biggest gas giant, Qaothea, Thuzavis migrated inwards with Frade, another gas giant. Thuzavis's gravity possibly threw Chaamia, the Venusian planet, more inwards. When migrating, Thuzavis most likely lost a majority of its regular moons, some theorizing that the 3 most inner planets are in-fact moons that escaped from either Thuzavis or Frade.
FradeThe eighth planet of the Strion P7H0 system. It is a gas giant with the mass 0.507 times Jupiter's mass, or 161 times more massive than Earth. Frade only has 1 regular moon, the others being round moons that were most likely captured or just asteroids. Frade marks the start of the asteroid belt of this system.
VapliyrutaThe ninth planet of the Strion P7H0 system. It is a ice giant (a smaller gas giant with more water) with a mass of 0.0396 times Jupiter's mass, or 12.6 times more massive than Earth. Vapliyruta marks the end of the asteroid belt. It has 4 regular moons and some captured asteroids (not simulated).
QaotheaThe tenth and biggest planet in the Strion P7H0 system. It is a gas giant 5.28 times more massvive than Jupiter. It is so big, Strion P7H0 orbits this giant. Early in the system's lifetime, Qoathea was responsible for many a planet's orbits shifting, sending some gas giants inward or outward, causing choas through the whole system. Qaothea has 7 moons 1 one shepard moon. It has rings mae out of silicite. Qaothea's natural color is similiar to that of Saturn, however, due to Strion P7H0's blue color, it is blue to the human eye.
CascaynovThe eleventh planet of the Strion P7H0 system. It is a ice giant with a mass 0.0264 times that of Jupiter, or 8.38 times more massive than Earth. It currently has 3 moons, however, in the past, Cascaynov has had a reputation for unstable moons orbits, and it is not guaranteed it's current moons will survive. Cascaynov's own orbit is highly elliptical, most likely because it is the closest to Qaothea.
HeblorixThe twelfth planet and first dwarf planet of the Strion P7H0 system. It is so far away from Strion P7H0 that any surface features, to the human eye, are black. Heblorix has no moons, however, it might be an escaped moon itself.
OstrillaThe thirteenth planet of the Strion P7H0 system. It is a gas giant with a mass 0.0182 times that of Jupiter, or 5.79 times more massive than Earth. Ostrilla was most likely formed closer in, but Qaothea most likely threw it far out, along with the asteroids of the second asteroid belt, as it marks the start. It has 3 moons, and probably had more before then. Now, Ostrilla barely gets any light from it's parent star.
MeuzunoThe last planet and 2nd dwarf planet of the Strion P7H0 system. It is located near the end of the second asteroid belt, taking 334 years just to orbit Strion P7H0. It has 1 small moon and 1 asteroid moon. It could of possibly been a moon itself at one point, being sent flying towards the outer reaches of the Strion P7H0 system, where it is almost impossible to see it's surface features.
Thanks for bothering to read all that. This system was first generated in Stargen, edited a bit, and had moons and asteroid belts added. Suggestions will be welcome as this is my first public system.