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Author Topic: Wow, It updated? THIS IS AWESOME!  (Read 2165 times)


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Wow, It updated? THIS IS AWESOME!
« on: June 23, 2015, 01:41:21 AM »
Steam downloaded Alpha 15 in the background while I was uploading some ridiculously massive file to dropbox overnight.  The next day, I came home to find US2 Alpha 15.  Man, I knew it was going to be good.  I thought I was going to die of old age before it came out.  But I knew that was a good thing...

But this?  I have played about 8 seconds of it.  But, Wow.  'Best update so far' was an understatement, which didn't seem possible, but apparently it is!  I alpha tested this in 8.3.  I knew this was not one of those alpha test/early access things that simply stop updating as the developers are just a bunch of bored 12 year olds.  Comparing this to alpha 8.3, the program has come so far.  I am so happy with these results, hopefully there are no nasty surprises I haven't found yet in the update...  I am glad I alpha tested it, and I take great pride in it.  It has come sooo far :)  Imagine what it will be like next year!  Devs, thank you so much for working on this great and unique program.  It was great watching it grow up.  Keep up the great work on the updates!

Angel Armageddon

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Re: Wow, It updated? THIS IS AWESOME!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2015, 10:27:56 AM »
Green leaf said that he accidentally left a feature that he was testing while on the simulator.
It's the Roche limit feature.
But its still work in progress.
It's somewhere in the settings or something I think.