[07:22] Darvince what do you want to do in map war 2
[07:43] kalaslp eat breakfast
[07:44] snack two bordering land zones
snack the southwest defense sea zone
3 level 1 cities
and the sea zone to the east of the defense
[07:45] Darvince ok mommie
kalaslp wait
do i have enough tech for a level 3 city
and how much does it cost
[07:46] Darvince it costs 13
and fiah made one and he has less tech than you
kalaslp ok
i refoke
my sea zones
and a level 1 city on a 2-level city
[07:47] and build a level 3 city in the mountain cove
https://i.gyazo.com/a02fd9e1c73bb804ceb25b940a339bd2.png so like this?
kalaslp yeh