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Author Topic: What's the difference between Closed Alpha Testers and normal Testers?  (Read 2186 times)

RS Productions

  • ***
  • Posts: 26
  • E=mc🌟
Hello, today I want to talk about what are the differences between Closed Alpha Testers(Does who filled an application and got accepted) and Normal Alpha Testers(People who bought the open Alpha)

Like, what's the difference?? Do Closed Alpha Testers have the same things as Normal Testers? Do we both receive the same updates?

I just wanna know if anything separates us Closed Alpha Testers from Open Alpha Testers(Other than we Closed Alpha Testers were accepted)

One last thing: When US2 reaches Beta v. Will we Closed Alpha Testers have immediate access to it? And do Open Alpha Testers have to wait till the Open Beta is out? I really hope I don't have to write another application to be accepted in the Beta Testers group. :'(


  • Thomas Grønneløv
  • Development Team
  • *****
  • Posts: 211
The first alpha testers got a license for free, and they were given a copy earlier than those who bought an public alpha, simply because it was not available for sale early on. That is about it, unless I am much mistaken.
The license you have now, given or purchased, is just that... a license for US²