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Author Topic: Looking for a partner  (Read 3957 times)


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Looking for a partner
« on: March 10, 2015, 11:42:55 AM »
Hi i am currently working in a big science fiction Universe and since i think is posible to pass the files really easy, i am looking for a parter that could help me developing this entire universe that consist of galaxies and solar systems...ect

   The idea is not just to create this universe but to do it around a huge data base that combines or its based in galaxies such as star wars and others with also a lot of new ideas. I am also developing races + technology and a lot more. I just need a person with a little bit of creativity and time (also better if he or she have some basic knowledge of physics). Better if lives on EU but i dont mind other regions :)

   The proyect is going to become really huge! Contact me here or send me and email: sent808@hotmail.com