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Author Topic: Alpha (12.5) Collisions Bugged, but in 12.1 they're not bugged.  (Read 3620 times)


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Alpha (12.5) Collisions Bugged, but in 12.1 they're not bugged.
« on: January 20, 2015, 11:43:27 AM »
Hello. Today i saw the topic how to activate Alpha13Preview a.k.a (12.5alpha) I tried alpha 12.5. But there was a problem. When I tried to collide two objects. (Earth And Mars) and what happened?

1.Mars dissapeared.
2.Earth became Invisible, but i can click it.

Then I came back to version 12.1 And everything was normal.

-PS. I am not responsible if there is already topic about this. I am not here to look trough every topic.
And I enter the forum only when i have troubles.


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Re: Alpha (12.5) Collisions Bugged, but in 12.1 they're not bugged.
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2015, 12:03:02 PM »
The Alpha 13 Preview certainly has a good number of collision issues.

From Dan's post (http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,14391.0.html):
"Among other issues, this preview includes the new collision rewrite which is still very much in progress. Accuracy adjustments, fragmentation, and Roche limits aren't working yet."

It's broken at the moment because it's being worked on. Collisions in Alpha 13 will be an improvement over what you've seen in 12.1. :)