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Author Topic: Research!  (Read 4181 times)

Universal Einstein

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« on: January 05, 2015, 07:46:50 AM »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Ive reaserched about space for 21 and a half hours and learned.....
Force due to gravity
F = Gm1m2/r2,

As high as you go you experience more gravity!
g = GM/r2,

General Relativity!
Gμν = 8πG/c4 Tμν

Acceleration of gravity!
a = √(GMa0/r),

Gamma Ray Bursts Can Annihilate basically everything except light, electrons and Black holes and white holes and the hulk! (lol dem jokes tho.)

The milky way's approximate diameter is about 100 ~ 120 Hundred Thousand Light-years (1 light year = a distance so far that even light takes 1 year to go across it)!
(Light = 299 792 458 meters traveled in 1 second! that means.....holy sh!t.........
 299,792,458 X 525,946.766 = 157675473341207          ÷         60 =  2627914562605 (hours) !!!!!!!!
(^speed o light per second) ^(length of a year in minutes)            ^ makin it into hours.)
it takes you 2627914562605 hours to go across the milky way travelling at the speed of light!
(if wrong calculate it yourself, i am too tired for this sh!t....)

Thats all for now!
Okay bye!
~Universal Eintstein.

Gordon Freeman

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Re: Research!
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2015, 07:57:16 AM »