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Author Topic: Strange Star Bug  (Read 2182 times)


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Strange Star Bug
« on: August 12, 2014, 02:19:32 PM »
When I added Proxima Centauri around a star I made, I noticed a bug that has only occurred in the star, and not in planets. I added another star when I restarted the simulation, and it still happens. The star will move in orbit, but a frozen image of it will stay in the place it was in before I added another star. Also, the planets in orbit, as well as the added star, will move through it with no problems; as if it isn't there. Has anyone else experienced this?

Update: I clicked on "new" to start a new simulation, and the star remained. I could go through it and it didn't show up when I tried to click on it, but the humming sound that emits from stars could still be heard when I was close. I even opened up the Earth and Moon simulation, and the sound was there. When I zoomed out, the Earth and Moon were in the star! This is what I see; there is also a small object in the right, but I can't click on it at all nor can I view it.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 02:24:54 PM by Josh »


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Re: Strange Star Bug
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2014, 04:24:52 PM »
This happened to me several times too! It's a case of "ghost" objects. These occur easily when copying and pasting objects, a functionality that is currently buggy. I've talked about it here:

There are other cases where ghost objects appear, such as yours, but i have not found a way to replicate them so far (except from copying and pasting).