Xriqxa's Group Testing, or XGT, is an organization that runs like republican country. We try to be as fair as possible, but if consequences must be enforced I will not hesitate. Second in charge are Lord DC and Pinkythefoxxywasp. Always listen to them, no questions asked.
We group test Universe Sandbox 2 to help it's development, NOT JUST TO HAVE FUN.
All new applicants are required to write at least a small paragraph explaining why they want to join, why they think they would be a good team member and a pledge to abide by the regulations stated on the
Steam XGT page.
Higher ranking members have the right to remove members from the group without having to specify a reason.
Only apply if you are committed to helping the group to do the best we can to bug test.
We can have fun while we do this, as long as we stay on task.
Good luck with your application, and I hope you are accepted as an Alpha Tester,