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Author Topic: Xriqxa's Ideas Thread  (Read 13469 times)


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Re: Xriqxa's Ideas Thread
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2014, 01:56:01 AM »
Ragdolls and Drag Tool

Ragdolls: GMOD IN SPASS!

Drag Tool: Just a little thing where you click-drag-throw to exert a force on an object. Would work on ragdolls by only pulling one segment.


An idea for planet recoloring:
Plasma tool: Fires clouds of colored plasma, and tints stars

Vapor Tool: Fires clouds of colored gas (somewhat like the Dispenser), and tints planet atmospheres/gasses

Dye tool: Fires bubbles of opaque colored fluid (somewhat like the Dispenser), and tints planet oceans

Crystals tool: Fires clouds of solid colored crystals (somewhat like the Dispenser), and tints planet rocks/dirt 

Fertilizer tool: Fires bubbles of opaque colored fluid to recolor plants

Undo/Revert to Realism tool: Click this button to revert the colors to realistic
Selecting one of these tools opens a color wheel with a WGB gradient slider.
Just a thought for creative albeit unrealistic planet coloring.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 05:12:16 AM by Xriqxa »


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Re: Xriqxa's Ideas Thread
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2014, 08:40:08 AM »
Evolution Metre

As in there can be a metre on how developed the species on a planet is?

Like a metre with labels like single-celled, multi-celled, sealife, terrestrial life, airborne life, Paleolithic (tribes and such), Victorian (primitive cities/kingdoms and societies, like the Medieval times), Modern Society(like tody), and Space Faring.

Also gotta say this:

US2+Space Engine+KSP+An Overhaul of SPORE= Elation similar to that of being in heaven
sorry , to late , some guys alredy making a game like spore , but seeing the other ideas , i ask to myself how you isn t helping making universe sandbox 2 personally , you one of the biggest genius an this forum
Thrive confirmed? (a game like spore)


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Re: Xriqxa's Ideas Thread
« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2014, 08:53:53 AM »
Can other people post their ideas here?

A good one would be an option to have the projected paths show the perspective from the selected object, that way you could say, see the orbits of the other planets as seen from the perspective of someone on Earth. The previous Ubox had that and I liked that feature.


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Re: Xriqxa's Ideas Thread
« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2014, 09:03:26 AM »
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this thread is really just for me to list my ideas and form opinions of them based on other posts.