Does the new Universe Sandbox have better support for "contact" binary stars? I know it's rather niche to actually depict that rather than a merged result, but what the existing Universe Sandbox does is very underwhelming for what's otherwise an impressive concept.
Currently, as soon as the two stars have touching edges, they instantly merge into one (well, the other collision mode isn't relevant to the intention). To at least get the aesthetic, I previously would get a very close binary orbit, turn those stars into dust so the dust preserves that orbit, then add a single star at the center with the combined properties but a custom model that represents being two stars. That was a decent representation, but lacking actual simulation of the involved properties is less exciting.
Since the most accurate depiction of that is all about the gases of the stars, I'll also ask out of relevance is it possible to do that ever popular depiction of black holes absorbing gases off a star?