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Author Topic: HD10700 Tau Ceti system  (Read 3772 times)


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HD10700 Tau Ceti system
« on: January 08, 2014, 02:03:16 AM »
Hi all again, this is another hypothetical local star system.
In this one I have borrowed various textures from the internets and here (naru523 and fiah's in a planet texture WIP thread), although they're not in the .ubox, so you'll have to add them youeself.

In this system of terrestrial planets we imagine that there is abundant water. The larger masses of planets in this system should be able to hold them (also assuming enough magnetic fields). Although the system is expected to be slightly metal-poor (Tau-Ceti's content)  I haven't toned down the densities of its planets.
 - In particular, e has been colored blue and f is colored white. Their location at the inner and outer limits of the habitable zone, which would be consistent with ocean (Fiah's) and rock/ice (Carnage2K4's terra macrocosm).
 - d on the other hand, is constantly boiling at a bit over 100 C. I thought naru523's arid planet texture might be fitting here with dredges of tiny remnant sea (higher atomspheric pressure?). With that or it's thoroughly Venusian, but such textures are lacking.
 - b and c are burnt, stripped and barren. (I allotted them net textures from Christian Hart and http://freebitmaps.blogspot.de).

 There are a few moons and a scattered asteroid belt for decoration.

NB: the relevant paper on radial velocity calculation can be found from wiki and ArXiv
Tuomi, M.; et al. "Signals embedded in the radial velocity noise: Periodic variations in the Tau Ceti velocities". Astronomy & Astrophysics (preprint). arXiv:1212.4277. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201220509.