We're back from our break now. I've ran across an issue with a black screen on startup that was caused by the way our settings format has changed in the latest update.
You can clear out the settings manually, and see if that helps. But it requires a little bit of registry editing.
Go to the start menu and type regedit into the search bar. You should have an application called regedit.exe that looks like a stack of cubes.
Double click that to open in up, and on the left hand side it should have a browser for the registry keys, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER and expand it. Inside there's a folder called Software, expand that as well, and scroll down to the folder named Giant Army, in that is another folder named Universe Sandbox, right click on the Universe Sandbox folder and select delete to remove the keys, it will ask for confirmation on removing the folder and all sub keys, just click yes there and exit the registry editor.
Fire up the game again, and it will rebuild your settings files for you.
If that's not working, I'll need to see some diagnostics from your computer, so I can hopefully isolate where the issue is coming from.