so far none, NONE of my bug reports have been fixed.Not even one. Also, all of my suggestions were in vain.
If you, after all, sign in to read this response, then let me clear up a few things.
As far as I can see, you have been a very active tester, and that is greatly appreciated, though you unfortunately have not felt it that way. You also reported a number of bugs, as have others, and as far as I can tell, they have been recorded and some have been fixed.
The problem, however, is that we could probably have been a little more systematic when it comes to how we have handled bug reports, and we could also have been more systematic when it comes to reporting the state of the bugs. If we could reproduce it, if we have fixed it or if it is delayed in favor or other more game breaking issues. The forum really is not well suited for this.
Perhaps it is this lack of information which have made you feel that we were ignoring the bugs... which we aren't. If only we could ;-)
As to suggestions, you have posted a great many suggestions, and as I recall, most were perfectly good suggestions, and perhaps they deserved a little more response from our side. The thing is that it often boils down to whether we should spend time responding to the many suggestions, as opposed to simply reading them, or if we should spend time fixing bugs and adding planned features.
Right now I spent time reading your post, feeling a bit sad and then reading through some of your previous posts to see how much truth there was to your claim.. then thinking about a response and putting it in writing before also posting a "memo" for the rest of the team about putting more energy into handling bugs and suggestions in a more structured way.
Time I could have spent adding in the many different numerical integrators which were lost in a previous refactoring (which I will return to in two minutes now).
Point being... we simply cannot be quite as omnipresent in the various forum threads, as everyone would like, but that does not mean that we do not care.