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Author Topic: http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram/index.html  (Read 6451 times)


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  • This is, to give a dog and in recompense desire my dog again.
« on: December 30, 2012, 06:07:56 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:15:54 AM by FiahOwl »


  • *****
  • Posts: 1234
  • This is, to give a dog and in recompense desire my dog again.
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2012, 06:08:29 AM »

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '95438'.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:15:52 AM by FiahOwl »


  • *****
  • Posts: 1234
  • This is, to give a dog and in recompense desire my dog again.
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2012, 06:09:53 AM »

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '95439'.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:15:50 AM by FiahOwl »


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  • This is, to give a dog and in recompense desire my dog again.
Solea and Rift Auspikitan
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2012, 06:11:36 AM »

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '95440'.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:15:48 AM by FiahOwl »


  • *****
  • Posts: 1234
  • This is, to give a dog and in recompense desire my dog again.
Nitpicked from "Aeridanish Solar Empire"
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2012, 06:17:14 AM »

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '95441'.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:15:46 AM by FiahOwl »


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  • JooJ
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2012, 06:21:26 AM »
A Pee Loth Lot
A Pee Hot Toll
A Pee Tho Toll
A Tee Loth Pol
A Tee Loth Lop
A Tee Hop Toll
A Tee Hot Poll
A Tee Tho Poll
A He Tole Plot
A He Pelt Tool
A He Pelt Loot
A He Lept Tool
A He Lept Loot
A He Tope Toll
A He Poet Toll
A He Tote Poll
A Eh Tole Plot
A Eh Pelt Tool
A Eh Pelt Loot
A Eh Lept Tool
A Eh Lept Loot
A Eh Tope Toll
A Eh Poet Toll
A Eh Tote Poll
A Hell Ope Tot
A Hell Tope To
A Hell Poet To
A Hell Toe Top
A Hell Toe Pot
A Hell Toe Opt
A Hell Tote Op
A Hell Pet Too
A Hello Pet To
A Hole Pelt To
A Hole Lept To
A Hole Let Top
A Hole Let Pot
A Hole Let Opt
A Hole Pet Lot
A Thole El Top
A Thole El Pot
A Thole El Opt
A Thole Let Op
A Thole Pet Lo
A Helot El Top
A Helot El Pot
A Helot El Opt
A Helot Let Op
A Helot Pet Lo
A Hotel El Top
A Hotel El Pot
A Hotel El Opt
A Hotel Let Op
A Hotel Pet Lo
A Help El Toot
A Help Ole Tot
A Help Tole To
A Help Let Too
A Help Toe Lot
A Help Tote Lo
A Hoe Tell Top
A Hoe Tell Pot
A Hoe Tell Opt
A Hoe Pelt Lot
A Hoe Lept Lot
A Hoe Let Plot
A Hoe Pet Toll
A Hope Ell Tot
A Hope Tell To
A Hope Let Lot
A Hep El Lotto
A Hep Ell Toot
A Hep Tell Too
A Hep Tole Lot
A Hep Let Tool
A Hep Let Loot
A Hep Toe Toll
A The Ole Plot
A The Lope Lot
A The Pole Lot
A The Tole Pol
A The Tole Lop
A The Let Polo
A The Let Pool
A The Let Loop
A The Ope Toll
A The Toe Poll
A El Pelt Hoot
A El Lept Hoot
A El Let Photo
A El Tope Loth
A El Poet Loth
A Ell Tope Hot
A Ell Tope Tho
A Ell Poet Hot
A Ell Poet Tho
A Ell Tote Hop
A Ell Pet Hoot
A Tell Ope Hot
A Tell Ope Tho
A Tell Tope Oh
A Tell Tope Ho
A Tell Poet Oh
A Tell Poet Ho
A Tell Toe Hop
A Tell Pet Ooh
A Tell Pet Oho
A Ole Pelt Hot
A Ole Pelt Tho
A Ole Lept Hot
A Ole Lept Tho
A Ole Pet Loth
A Lope Let Hot
A Lope Let Tho
A Pole Let Hot
A Pole Let Tho
A Tole Pelt Oh
A Tole Pelt Ho
A Tole Lept Oh
A Tole Lept Ho
A Tole Let Hop
A Pelt Let Ooh
A Pelt Let Oho
A Lept Let Ooh
A Lept Let Oho
A Let Ope Loth
Heal El Op Tot
Heal El Top To
Heal El Pot To
Heal El Opt To
Heal Let Op To
Heal Pet Lo To
Hale El Op Tot
Hale El Top To
Hale El Pot To
Hale El Opt To
Hale Let Op To
Hale Pet Lo To
Lathe El Op To
Heap El Lo Tot
Heap El Lot To
Heap Let Lo To
Hate El Lo Top
Hate El Lo Pot
Hate El Lo Opt
Hate El Pol To
Hate El Lop To
Hate El Lot Op
Hate Ell Op To
Hate Let Lo Op
Heat El Lo Top
Heat El Lo Pot
Heat El Lo Opt
Heat El Pol To
Heat El Lop To
Heat El Lot Op
Heat Ell Op To
Heat Let Lo Op
Theta El Lo Op
Lea He Pol Tot
Lea He Lop Tot
Lea He Plot To
Lea He Lot Top
Lea He Lot Pot
Lea He Lot Opt
Lea Eh Pol Tot
Lea Eh Lop Tot
Lea Eh Plot To
Lea Eh Lot Top
Lea Eh Lot Pot
Altho Peel To
Altho Pee Lot
Altho Tee Pol
Altho Tee Lop
Altho El Tope
Altho El Poet
Altho Ole Pet
Altho Let Ope
Loath Lee Top
Loath Lee Pot
Loath Lee Opt
Loath Eel Top
Loath Eel Pot
Loath Eel Opt
Loath Peel To
Loath Pee Lot
Loath Tee Pol
Loath Tee Lop
Loath El Tope
Loath El Poet
Loath Ole Pet
Loath Let Ope
Halt Elope To
Halt Peel Too
Halt Pee Tool
Halt Pee Loot
Halt Tee Polo
Halt Tee Pool
Halt Tee Loop
Halt Ole Tope
Halt Ole Poet
Halt Oleo Pet
Halt Lope Toe
Halt Pole Toe
Halt Tole Ope
Lath Elope To
Lath Peel Too
Lath Pee Tool
Lath Pee Loot
Lath Tee Polo
Lath Tee Pool
Lath Tee Loop
Lath Ole Tope
Lath Ole Poet
Lath Oleo Pet
Lath Lope Toe
Lath Pole Toe
Lath Tole Ope
Oath Lee Plot
Oath Eel Plot
Oath Peel Lot
Oath Pee Toll
Oath Tee Poll
Oath Ell Tope
Oath Ell Poet
Oath Tell Ope
Oath Ole Pelt
Oath Ole Lept
Oath Lope Let
Oath Pole Let
Hap Lee Lotto
Hap Eel Lotto
Hap El Tootle
Phat Lee Tool
Phat Lee Loot
Phat Eel Tool
Phat Eel Loot
Phat Ole Tole
Phat Oleo Let
Path Lee Tool
Path Lee Loot
Path Eel Tool
Path Eel Loot
Path Ole Tole
Path Oleo Let
Hat Elope Lot
Hat Peel Tool
Hat Peel Loot
Hat Oleo Pelt
Hat Oleo Lept
Hat Lope Tole
Hat Pole Tole
That Lee Polo
That Lee Pool
That Lee Loop
That Eel Polo
That Eel Pool
That Eel Loop
That Elope Lo
That Ole Lope
That Ole Pole
La Teeth Polo
La Teeth Pool
La Teeth Loop
La Peel Tooth
La Thole Tope
La Thole Poet
La Helot Tope
La Helot Poet
La Hotel Tope
La Hotel Poet
La Hep Tootle
All Pee Tooth
All Tee Photo
All Hope Tote
Allot Thee Op
Allot Pee Hot
Allot Pee Tho
Allot Tee Hop
Allot He Tope
Allot He Poet
Allot Eh Tope
Allot Eh Poet
Allot Hoe Pet
Allot Hep Toe
Allot The Ope
Atoll Thee Op
Atoll Pee Hot
Atoll Pee Tho
Atoll Tee Hop
Atoll He Tope
Atoll He Poet
Atoll Eh Tope
Atoll Eh Poet
Atoll Hoe Pet
Atoll Hep Toe
Atoll The Ope
Pall Thee Too
Pall Tee Hoot
Pall Hoe Tote
Tall Pee Hoot
Tall Tee Pooh
Tall Tee Hoop
Tall Hoe Tope
Tall Hoe Poet
Tall Hope Toe
Opal Heel Tot
Opal Thee Lot
Opal Teeth Lo
Opal Tee Loth
Opal The Tole
Alto Heel Top
Alto Heel Pot
Alto Heel Opt
Alto Thee Pol
Alto Thee Lop
Alto Peel Hot
Alto Peel Tho
Alto Pee Loth
Alto Hole Pet
Alto Help Toe
Alto Hoe Pelt
Alto Hoe Lept
Alto Hope Let
Alto Hep Tole
Alto The Lope
Alto The Pole
Total Heel Op
Total Lee Hop
Total Eel Hop
Total Peel Oh
Total Peel Ho
Total He Lope
Total He Pole
Total Eh Lope
Total Eh Pole
Total Hope El
Total Hep Ole
Alp Heel Toot
Alp Thee Tool
Alp Thee Loot
Alp Lee Tooth
Alp Eel Tooth
Alp He Tootle
Alp Eh Tootle
Alp Hole Tote
Alp Thole Toe
Alp Helot Toe
Alp Hotel Toe
Pal Heel Toot
Pal Thee Tool
Pal Thee Loot
Pal Lee Tooth
Pal Eel Tooth
Pal He Tootle
Pal Eh Tootle
Pal Hole Tote
Pal Thole Toe
Pal Helot Toe
Pal Hotel Toe
Lap Heel Toot
Lap Thee Tool
Lap Thee Loot
Lap Lee Tooth
Lap Eel Tooth
Lap He Tootle
Lap Eh Tootle
Lap Hole Tote
Lap Thole Toe
Lap Helot Toe
Lap Hotel Toe
Plat Heel Too
Plat Lee Hoot
Plat Eel Hoot
Plat Hole Toe
Plat Hoe Tole
Plat The Oleo
Potato He Ell
Potato Eh Ell
Atop Heel Lot
Atop Lee Loth
Atop Eel Loth
Atop Hell Toe
Atop Hole Let
Atop Thole El
Atop Helot El
Atop Hotel El
Atop Hoe Tell
Oat Heel Plot
Oat Thee Poll
Oat Pellet Oh
Oat Pellet Ho
Oat Peel Loth
Oat Hell Tope
Oat Hell Poet
Oat Hello Pet
Oat Hole Pelt
Oat Hole Lept
Oat Help Tole
Oat Hope Tell
Pa Heel Lotto
Pa Hello Tote
Pa Thole Tole
Pa Helot Tole
Pa Hotel Tole
Tap Heel Tool
Tap Heel Loot
Tap Hello Toe
Tap Hole Tole
Tap Thole Ole
Tap Helot Ole
Tap Hotel Ole
Apt Heel Tool
Apt Heel Loot
Apt Hello Toe
Apt Hole Tole
Apt Thole Ole
Apt Helot Ole
Apt Hotel Ole
Pat Heel Tool
Pat Heel Loot
Pat Hello Toe
Pat Hole Tole
Pat Thole Ole
Pat Helot Ole
Pat Hotel Ole
At Pellet Ooh
At Pellet Oho
At Elope Loth
At Hello Tope
At Hello Poet
At Pothole El
At Thole Lope
At Thole Pole
At Helot Lope
At Helot Pole
At Hotel Lope
At Hotel Pole
Tat Heel Polo
Tat Heel Pool
Tat Heel Loop
Tat Hello Ope
Tat Hole Lope
Tat Hole Pole
Tat Help Oleo
A Heel Pol Tot
A Heel Lop Tot
A Heel Plot To
A Heel Lot Top
A Heel Lot Pot
A Heel Lot Opt
A Thee Poll To
A Thee Toll Op
A Thee Lo Plot
A Thee Pol Lot
A Thee Lop Lot
A Teeth Lo Pol
A Teeth Lo Lop
A Lee Loth Top
A Lee Loth Pot
A Lee Loth Opt
A Lee Hot Plot
A Lee Tho Plot
A Eel Loth Top
A Eel Loth Pot
A Eel Loth Opt
A Eel Hot Plot
A Eel Tho Plot
A Pellet Oh To
A Pellet Ho To
A Peel Loth To
A Peel Hot Lot
A Peel Tho Lot
Pate Hoe Toll
Pate Ell Hoot
Pate Tell Ooh
Pate Tell Oho
Pate Ole Loth
Tape Hell Too
Tape Hello To
Tape Hole Lot
Tape Thole Lo
Tape Helot Lo
Tape Hotel Lo
Tape Hoe Toll
Tape Ell Hoot
Tape Tell Ooh
Tape Tell Oho
Tape Ole Loth
Eta Hello Top
Eta Hello Pot
Eta Hello Opt
Eta Hole Plot
Eta Thole Pol
Eta Thole Lop
Eta Helot Pol
Eta Helot Lop
Eta Hotel Pol
Eta Hotel Lop
Eta Help Tool
Eta Help Loot
Eta Hope Toll
Eta Ell Photo
Eta Tell Pooh
Eta Tell Hoop
Eta Lope Loth
Eta Pole Loth
Tea Hello Top
Tea Hello Pot
Tea Hello Opt
Tea Hole Plot
Tea Thole Pol
Tea Thole Lop
Tea Helot Pol
Tea Helot Lop
Tea Hotel Pol
Tea Hotel Lop
Tea Help Tool
Tea Help Loot
Tea Hope Toll
Tea Ell Photo
Tea Tell Pooh
Tea Tell Hoop
Tea Lope Loth
Tea Pole Loth
Ate Hello Top
Ate Hello Pot
Ate Hello Opt
Ate Hole Plot
Ate Thole Pol
Ate Thole Lop
Ate Helot Pol
Ate Helot Lop
Ate Hotel Pol
Ate Hotel Lop
Ate Help Tool
Ate Help Loot
Ate Hope Toll
Ate Ell Photo
Ate Tell Pooh
Ate Tell Hoop
Ate Lope Loth
Ate Pole Loth
Eat Hello Top
Eat Hello Pot
Eat Hello Opt
Eat Hole Plot
Eat Thole Pol
Eat Thole Lop
Eat Helot Pol
Eat Helot Lop
Eat Hotel Pol
Eat Hotel Lop
Eat Help Tool
Eat Help Loot
Eat Hope Toll
Eat Ell Photo
Eat Tell Pooh
Eat Tell Hoop
Eat Lope Loth
Eat Pole Loth
Teat Hello Op
Teat Hole Pol
Teat Hole Lop
Teat Hoe Poll
Teat Ell Pooh
Teat Ell Hoop
Ha Pellet Too
Ha Peel Lotto
Ah Pellet Too
Ah Peel Lotto
Hall Pee Toot
Hall Ope Tote
Hall Tope Toe
Hall Poet Toe
Hallo Pee Tot
Hallo Tee Top
Hallo Tee Pot
Hallo Tee Opt
Hallo Toe Pet
Halo Peel Tot
Halo Tee Plot
Halo Tole Pet
Halo Pelt Toe
Halo Lept Toe
Halo Let Tope
Halo Let Poet
Altho Lee Top
Altho Lee Pot
Altho Lee Opt
Altho Eel Top
Altho Eel Pot
Altho Eel Opt
Late Thole Op
Late Helot Op
Late Hotel Op
Late Help Too
Late Hoe Plot
Late Hope Lot
Late Hep Tool
Late Hep Loot
Late The Polo
Late The Pool
Late The Loop
Late El Photo
Late Lope Hot
Late Lope Tho
Late Pole Hot
Late Pole Tho
Late Tole Hop
Late Pelt Ooh
Late Pelt Oho
Late Lept Ooh
Late Lept Oho
Late Let Pooh
Late Let Hoop
Late Ope Loth
Tale Hole Top
Tale Hole Pot
Tale Hole Opt
Tale Thole Op
Tale Helot Op
Tale Hotel Op
Tale Help Too
Tale Hoe Plot
Tale Hope Lot
Tale Hep Tool
Tale Hep Loot
Tale The Polo
Tale The Pool
Tale The Loop
Tale El Photo
Tale Lope Hot
Tale Lope Tho
Tale Pole Hot
Tale Pole Tho
Tale Tole Hop
Tale Pelt Ooh
Tale Pelt Oho
Tale Lept Ooh
Tale Lept Oho
Tale Let Pooh
Tale Let Hoop
Tale Ope Loth
Latte He Polo
Latte He Pool
Latte He Loop
Latte Eh Polo
Latte Eh Pool
Latte Eh Loop
Latte Hole Op
Latte Hoe Pol
Latte Hoe Lop
Latte Hope Lo
Latte El Pooh
Latte El Hoop
Latte Ole Hop
Latte Lope Oh
Latte Lope Ho
Latte Pole Oh
Latte Pole Ho
Teapot Ell Oh
Teapot Ell Ho
Pea Hell Toot
Pea Hello Tot
Pea Thole Lot
Pea Helot Lot
Pea Hotel Lot
Pea Ell Tooth
Pea Tell Hoot
Pea Tole Loth
Ape Hell Toot
Ape Hello Tot
Ape Thole Lot
Ape Helot Lot
Ape Hotel Lot
Ape Ell Tooth
Ape Tell Hoot
Ape Tole Loth
Peat Hell Too
Peat Hello To
Peat Hole Lot
Peat Thole Lo
Peat Helot Lo
Peat Hotel Lo
Peat Hoe Toll
Peat Ell Hoot
Peat Tell Ooh
Peat Tell Oho
Peat Ole Loth
Pate Hell Too
Pate Hello To
Pate Hole Lot
Pate Thole Lo
Pate Helot Lo
Pate Hotel Lo
Leapt Tole Oh
Leapt Tole Ho
Leapt Let Ooh
Leapt Let Oho
Pleat He Tool
Pleat He Loot
Pleat Eh Tool
Pleat Eh Loot
Pleat Hole To
Pleat Hoe Lot
Pleat El Hoot
Pleat Ole Hot
Pleat Ole Tho
Pleat Tole Oh
Pleat Tole Ho
Pleat Let Ooh
Pleat Let Oho
Petal He Tool
Petal He Loot
Petal Eh Tool
Petal Eh Loot
Petal Hole To
Petal Hoe Lot
Petal El Hoot
Petal Ole Hot
Petal Ole Tho
Petal Tole Oh
Petal Tole Ho
Petal Let Ooh
Petal Let Oho
Plate He Tool
Plate He Loot
Plate Eh Tool
Plate Eh Loot
Plate Hole To
Plate Hoe Lot
Plate El Hoot
Plate Ole Hot
Plate Ole Tho
Plate Tole Oh
Plate Tole Ho
Plate Let Ooh
Plate Let Oho
Teal Hole Top
Teal Hole Pot
Teal Hole Opt
Teal Thole Op
Teal Helot Op
Teal Hotel Op
Teal Help Too
Teal Hoe Plot
Teal Hope Lot
Teal Hep Tool
Teal Hep Loot
Teal The Polo
Teal The Pool
Teal The Loop
Teal El Photo
Teal Lope Hot
Teal Lope Tho
Teal Pole Hot
Teal Pole Tho
Teal Tole Hop
Teal Pelt Ooh
Teal Pelt Oho
Teal Lept Ooh
Teal Lept Oho
Teal Let Pooh
Teal Let Hoop
Teal Ope Loth
Late Hole Top
Late Hole Pot
Late Hole Opt
Lapel Toe Tho
Lapel Tote Oh
Lapel Tote Ho
Pallet He Too
Pallet Eh Too
Pallet Hoe To
Pallet Toe Oh
Pallet Toe Ho
Aloe Help Tot
Aloe The Plot
Aloe Pelt Hot
Aloe Pelt Tho
Aloe Lept Hot
Aloe Lept Tho
Aloe Pet Loth
Plea He Lotto
Plea Eh Lotto
Plea Hole Tot
Plea Thole To
Plea Helot To
Plea Hotel To
Plea The Tool
Plea The Loot
Plea El Tooth
Plea Tole Hot
Plea Tole Tho
Plea Let Hoot
Plea Toe Loth
Peal He Lotto
Peal Eh Lotto
Peal Hole Tot
Peal Thole To
Peal Helot To
Peal Hotel To
Peal The Tool
Peal The Loot
Peal El Tooth
Peal Tole Hot
Peal Tole Tho
Peal Let Hoot
Peal Toe Loth
Leap He Lotto
Leap Eh Lotto
Leap Hole Tot
Leap Thole To
Leap Helot To
Leap Hotel To
Leap The Tool
Leap The Loot
Leap El Tooth
Leap Tole Hot
Leap Tole Tho
Leap Let Hoot
Leap Toe Loth
Pale He Lotto
Pale Eh Lotto
Pale Hole Tot
Pale Thole To
Pale Helot To
Pale Hotel To
Pale The Tool
Pale The Loot
Pale El Tooth
Pale Tole Hot
Pale Tole Tho
Pale Let Hoot
Pale Toe Loth
Lepta He Tool
Lepta He Loot
Lepta Eh Tool
Lepta Eh Loot
Lepta Hole To
Lepta Hoe Lot
Lepta El Hoot
Lepta Ole Hot
Lepta Ole Tho
Lepta Tole Oh
Lepta Tole Ho
Lepta Let Ooh
Lepta Let Oho
Leapt He Tool
Leapt He Loot
Leapt Eh Tool
Leapt Eh Loot
Leapt Hole To
Leapt Hoe Lot
Leapt El Hoot
Leapt Ole Hot
Leapt Ole Tho
Athlete Polo
Athlete Pool
Athlete Loop
Platelet Ooh
Platelet Oho
Hotplate Ole
Teal Pothole
Late Pothole
Tale Pothole
Teapot Hello
La Telephoto
A Pellet Hoot
A Pothole Let
A Help Tootle
Athlete Lo Op
Palette Oh Lo
Palette Ho Lo
Elate Loth Op
Elate Oh Plot
Elate Ho Plot
Elate Hop Lot
Elate Hot Pol
Elate Hot Lop
Elate Tho Pol
Elate Tho Lop
Heal Lope Tot
Heal Pole Tot
Heal Tole Top
Heal Tole Pot
Heal Tole Opt
Heal Pelt Too
Heal Lept Too
Heal Tope Lot
Heal Poet Lot
Heal Toe Plot
Heal Tote Pol
Heal Tote Lop
Heal Pet Tool
Heal Pet Loot
Hale Lope Tot
Hale Pole Tot
Hale Tole Top
Hale Tole Pot
Hale Tole Opt
Hale Pelt Too
Hale Lept Too
Hale Tope Lot
Hale Poet Lot
Hale Toe Plot
Hale Tote Pol
Hale Tote Lop
Hale Pet Tool
Hale Pet Loot
Lethal Ope To
Lethal Toe Op
Loathe El Top
Loathe El Pot
Loathe El Opt
Loathe Let Op
Loathe Pet Lo
Lathe Ole Top
Lathe Ole Pot
Lathe Ole Opt
Lathe Lope To
Lathe Pole To
Lathe Tole Op
Lathe Ope Lot
Lathe Tope Lo
Lathe Poet Lo
Lathe Toe Pol
Lathe Toe Lop
Heap El Lotto
Heap Ell Toot
Heap Tell Too
Heap Tole Lot
Heap Let Tool
Heap Let Loot
Heap Toe Toll
Hate Ole Plot
Hate Lope Lot
Hate Pole Lot
Hate Tole Pol
Hate Tole Lop
Hate Let Polo
Hate Let Pool
Hate Let Loop
Hate Ope Toll
Hate Toe Poll
Heat Ole Plot
Heat Lope Lot
Heat Pole Lot
Heat Tole Pol
Heat Tole Lop
Heat Let Polo
Heat Let Pool
Heat Let Loop
Heat Ope Toll
Heat Toe Poll
Theta El Polo
Theta El Pool
Theta El Loop
Theta Ole Pol
Theta Ole Lop
Theta Lope Lo
Theta Pole Lo
Lea Thole Top
Lea Thole Pot
Lea Thole Opt
Lea Helot Top
Lea Helot Pot
Lea Helot Opt
Lea Hotel Top
Lea Hotel Pot
Lea Hotel Opt
Lea Help Toot
Lea Hep Lotto
Lea Pelt Hoot
Lea Lept Hoot
Lea Let Photo
Lea Tope Loth
Lea Poet Loth
Ale Thole Top
Ale Thole Pot
Ale Thole Opt
Ale Helot Top
Ale Helot Pot
Ale Helot Opt
Ale Hotel Top
Ale Hotel Pot
Ale Hotel Opt
Ale Help Toot
Ale Hep Lotto
Ale Pelt Hoot
Ale Lept Hoot
Ale Let Photo
Ale Tope Loth
Ale Poet Loth
Lapel He Toot
Lapel Eh Toot
Lapel Hoe Tot
Lapel The Too
Lapel Toe Hot


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Re: http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram/index.html
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2012, 02:15:48 PM »
what is this spam


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Re: http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram/index.html
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2012, 02:30:21 PM »
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