Projected growth for Omnipotencian Commodities, in percents, as well as the last reported commodities, in metric:
Iron: 20% last reported: 856,795,439,980,000 Tons.
Grain: 56% Last Reported: ~250 trillion tons
Meat: 45%: Last Reported, 340 Billion Tons
Nuclear Supplies: 15%; 230,560,340,000 Tons
Military Supplies: 10%; Classified
Military Technology 30%; Based on Predicted Military Tech Advancement Through Years 7890-7920
Omnorium Alloy: 40%; 450 Billion Tons (artificial metal, made with manufactured element so production rate is low, especially after the Omniscient II's armor hull was completed.)
Other alloys and Metals (Steel, Iridium... etc) 12%; 250 quadrillion tons.
Production rates these last few years is comparatively low because of several major intergalactic wars that pummeled our facilites.
Other News: Increased military strength has been implemented in several sectors due to increasing presence of pirates.
Researchers may have found a way to increase power of various applications.
A war with the civilization Polinferstra, a Type III hostile dictatorship, was declared in joint by Omnipotencia and several other type II through type III civs today.
Protunea City (the capital) has been rebuilt on planet Droskar Alpha.
END BROADCAST (Omnipotencian Public News Network)