Okay, 1: Pole migration will likely do nothing at all to us. Maybe our electronics, but Earth's magnetic field is quite weak. I'd worry about a solar flare more.
2: Elenin is your average comet that flies into the solar system and catches up with all the planets and exchange a few words, passes by the sun to acknowledge it's still orbiting it, and flies on its way. I don't know who chose Elenin for this doomsday thing, but at closest we'll be about .23 AU away from it. Not close at all. As you can see from this orbit: link I do believe we may get a meteor shower as Elenin passes through our orbit area, so the Earth will run into the material trailing Elenin. I'm not for sure though.
3: Double suns could just be a wobbly camera, and if that is a true picture there are plent of phenomenon that can cause false suns and other things at sun rise and sun set.
4: Be logical. There are two possible choices for anyone, and two possible outcomes. You can believe or you can choose not to, and it can be correct, and it can be not correct. If you choose to believe these stupid things that either have logical scientific explanations or no backing at all and then you and the group that came up with this is right... Well who cares. We're dead. If it turns out to be wrong, people will laugh at you/them. If you don't believe and they ARE right. Again who cares? We're dead. If you don't believe and they are wrong, then you were right to begin with. And you get the glory of laughing at them.
There's nothing at all to be scared of. And #4 isn't meant to be rude, someone told me that's what he told his cousin. And in all truthfulness, it makes sense and is true, so don't take any offense in it.
1. True
2. NASA has proven themselves wrong before, in fact it is continually proven in every scenario their calculations are always off. Satellites end up millions of miles off course and NASA has said "they don't know why". Even if this simulation rings true to calculations with given information, it's in their best interest to lie, they have the resources to save themselves, not the entire world.
3. lol
4. I'll say the same to you bud, be logical. If you believe that fear of ridicule is reason enough to ignore the evidence and permit your own death, that's illogical, irrational, and probably one of the stupidest things I've ever heard anyone say. So far it seems you don't even have a sound perception of reality because evidently you think there's only two possibilities, you think nothing can be done, so death is inevitable, and that would prove you to be a nutjob.
Assuming we also suffer from psychosis, yes, nothing to be afraid of, because if we die we just go to heaven, right? LOL. OH, you've acquired your information from someone that told this to their cousin, thats REALLY credible and logical simply because you said to be logical, right? In all truthfulness, it makes sense AND it's true? Wow, now you confirm that something is true with no evidence to support it?
Only the worst of fools would believe there is no danger, and only the worst of fools would believe nothing can be done. Not to say people that work minimum wage jobs have much chance, but a million in the bank will likely permit survival if you prepare. Elenin was said to be at a "standstill" some time ago when they claimed it had stopped, when something looks like its not moving at all, that means it's either headed directly for you or away from you.