Hello. Recently bought this (wonderful) app off steam. Was loving it - what had started out as a "hmm, this looks kinda cool" turned into a 5 hour long session of me finding new ways to break the universe, haha. However, i seem to have not only destroyed the universe, but i've also broken the game itself. Although i did crash the sim a few times - it didn't like it when i made a ridiculously dense object for example; it always just recovered itself. (What do you mean i can't make a pair of dice with the mass of 15 million suns?!? lol)
The last crash seems to have killed the program though. I tried to load a different simulation, the game crashed (with error report) and attempted to restart. I saw the game load up (not a steam issue apparently), however once the USB window comes up, the planet-around-the-star loading icon appears, and the program dumps. The crash report window comes up, but then loops right back and crashes again. I'm assuming there's a corrupt file somewhere, so i was wondering if there are any config files or cashe files that could be deleted to return the program to it's original state. I did see a few config files in there, but i didn't want to start removing things randomly and end up doing more harm. Since the program worked just fine for several hours, i'm assuming this isn't a hardware or driver issue. I suppose i could reinstall the program, but i'd rather fix it, so that just in case it happens again i'll know what to do. Thanks for the help in advance, and Wow, what a great app!