bit tango is my new cryptocurrency

to mine bit tangos simply post in this thread
- if a post's reply number is prime, you get 1 bit tango
- if a post's reply number is
lucky, you get 0.5 bit tangos
- if a number only contains the digits 0 or 1, you get 1 bit tango
- if you get both posts of
twin prime replies, you get 2 extra bit tangos
- if you get both posts of a
sexy prime pair, you get 1 extra bit tango
no double posting unless it has been 24 hours since the last post-
no deleting posts because that doesn't make sense, you can't lose bit tango by losing posession of a post number, whoever got it originally will get the bit tango, any later claimants will not receive anything
Q&A sectionwhat can you do with bit tango?whatever you want, buy, sell, and trade them, ezpz but all official transactions must be conducted in this thread (and transactions are also eligible for bit tango mining)
bit tango is committed to completely open and transparent usage, so all wallet amounts are visible and transactions are public
this isn't balancedok if you're a smart mathematingo like syule then you can provide suggestions and improvements
this is unnecessarily complexi know
this isn't a cryptocurrencyheck you
balancesdar: 4.5 bit tangos
kal: 29 bit tangos
omni: 1.5 bit tangos
tuto: 6.5 bit tangos
syule: 0.5 bit tangos
gurren: 1 bit tango
fiah: 1 bit tango