Sova KłÃ³ suffered a moderate injury in the game between the Height Sagua Cats and the Pyxanovia Pixies in quarter 2 with 3:09 remaining on the clock
Alomundi Bituna suffered a very minor injury in the game between the Solea Geysers and the Dvimne Spirits in quarter 1 with 11:17 remaining on the clock
Blanaxon Player #3 suffered a moderate injury in the game between the Blanaxon Hammers and the TND Tanks in quarter 1 with 3:43 remaining on the clock
Kamil Jones suffered a major injury in the game between the Naxda Nomads and the Faehrenfall Feathercats in quarter 2 with 9:31 remaining on the clock
Kilik Farhje suffered a very minor injury in the game between the Aiyota Pumps and the Avura Aviators in quarter 4 with 11:30 remaining on the clock
Game Text