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Author Topic: Universe Sandbox to 3ds Max  (Read 4549 times)


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Universe Sandbox to 3ds Max
« on: January 06, 2012, 03:57:58 PM »
Is it possible to export the particle simulations and such to 3Ds Max?
I ask this question because I would like to use Vray to render Universe Sandbox simulations. I don't know if Universe Sandbox uses physically accurate renderings because it uses a direct3d rendering. Also, I'm just much used to the 3ds max workflow.


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Re: Universe Sandbox to 3ds Max
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2012, 05:18:36 AM »
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dust version="2.1.5">
  <group attachto="milky way">
      <pos>-2.85065626704077E 22;-2.51860896964597E 22;-1.19278508036318E 22</pos>
      <pos>-2.8902737144867E 22;-2.54025408856429E 22;-1.19392810820725E 22</pos>
      <pos>-2.86712617511411E 22;-2.50668497307232E 22;-1.19279817665385E 22</pos>
      <pos>-2.88798047303789E 22;-2.53319692428078E 22;-1.1946397300561E 22</pos>
      <pos>-2.90963958461226E 22;-2.48129594998068E 22;-1.19379689872708E 22</pos>
      <pos>-2.85869849558433E 22;-2.53766212611073E 22;-1.19282200744914E 22</pos>

Use Blender. 3dstudio max is for capitalists.

look on Artist-friendly particle system tools at wiki.


Buy Universe Sandbox for the complet system.


The solarsystem xml are with mass and other settings.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<objects version="2.1.5">
    <mass>5.9736E 24 kg</mass>
    <diameter>12742020 m</diameter>

Another question: How accurate is your CPU?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 05:59:48 AM by Kepler-22b »


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Re: Universe Sandbox to 3ds Max
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2012, 07:28:03 AM »

How accurate is the universe  ???

I think, we are a simulation and god play with us.