Universe Sandbox need a Iapetus Skin. That moon of Saturn is one of the most beautiful and mysterious moons in our solar system.
At your request I'll include a texture of Iapetus in the next update.
Nobody know why he is black and white. And nobody know why he has that mysterious ring around his equator.
We do actually have a few ideas as to why the ridge exists:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iapetus_(moon)#Equatorial_ridgeAll the moon skins must be in universe sandbox. like mirananda. it not look like the real one.
I'll also look into adding a map of Miranda. Over time I'll be adding more texture maps.
and the moon with the big impact mark (i don't romember its name)
You're thinking of Mimas.
A texture for this Moon exists in the current version of Universe Sandbox, but it's not very good. The next update will include an improved texture map for this moon.
and impacts and impact marks may look more real. why a white spot? and black hole's more black and not a SUN. a real black hole will be so cool.
And good question on why impacts are white and black holes aren't black. It's simply because I haven't yet taken the time to improve the realism of their appearance. It's the same story with black holes. (although making them black would also make them hard to see and find) Eventually I'd like to add a graphical effect to black holes to represent how they bend the light around them.
FGFG is right that actually modeling impact marks in the mesh (the 3D model) would be slower and more complicated, but that's also something that I'd like to experiment with in the distant future.
[on the fly mesh changes] could also overload the program (does US compute in itself or does it use the computer?)
I'm not sure what you mean by this question. Could you please elaborate?
And it is easy to get off topic. No worries. But please always feel free to start a new thread.