Don't worry SuperNova, think about for how long we've made it already; life on Earth has survived for four billion years. And we have never had such good defenses as today - we have missiles which can be used to destroy incoming comets etc., we can fight diseases and threats from nature by our advanced network of communication and technology...
And it's the communication network that's causing the trouble, because the media needs people to watch their TV program so they can earn money. And what's more catching than talking about a doomsday or a disaster?
People have predicted doomsdays thousands of times already, nearly every day in every year can somehow become a magical number or something that could be a doomsday. The best thing to do is to try to enjoy your life and use reason as a weapon against the irrational claims about things like 2012. You are a clever person, and know that the universe works because of physical laws and not supernatural magic, now think: How could the end of a human made calender cause the Earth, universe or whatever, to suddenly be destroyed?
You will quickly find out that the prediction is like all the other doomsday predictions, it's nonsense.

Beware when you don't listen to the scientists, because only the scientists have worked to find the truth.