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Author Topic: Help with creating files  (Read 4461 times)


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Help with creating files
« on: November 07, 2008, 09:54:18 PM »
I have tried to make Ganymede and Io looking objects but I cannot even from the ref. It looks like normal Moon. Help me.

I copied it from the Apophis passes by earth, so I could make a "Create your own system" (of three objects).
This is the code:
Code: [Select]
<System xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Settings>timestep=10 minutes;trailsegments=100</Settings>
It works but what am I doing wrong?

Dan Dixon

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Re: Help with creating files
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2008, 10:56:15 PM »
<Object> shouldn't be a number. It should be the name of the object you want to get properties for. If you say:
Code: [Select]
<Object>Ganymede</Object>It will get set the texture, mass, diameter, and name of that object automatically. These values come from the files LocalObjects.xml, Galaxies.xml, Stars.xml, etc...

You can then add lines for mass, diameter to override the values that get looked up by Object.

Two additional notes:
<Type> doesn't do anything in System files. So that line can be removed.
- Use <Texture> instead of <TextureDiffuse>

So in this example we look up the object Ganymede and then override its Position and Velocity values. The texture isn't needed because it's included in Object.

Code: [Select]

Let me know if you're still having trouble.


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Re: Help with creating files
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2008, 11:04:17 PM »
Thanks for the help!