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Author Topic: ASKING - Relevant to both US 2.* and 3.*  (Read 2978 times)


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ASKING - Relevant to both US 2.* and 3.*
« on: May 19, 2013, 05:40:18 AM »
An Important Point for me -

Riiight - We have been told that the New US 3 will include "procedural generation" - I think.

Not sure what that means - I am assuming that this MAY mean that Planets in All of their charafteristics, can be Generated within the Program - That is what I am hoping, anyway.

I am assuming that this means that Planets Created within US 3 will have sufficient Data to enable things like Surface Water Coverage to be increased or decreased - At least I hope so.
Perhaps this will also allow them to have things like Clouds Modelled / Simulated.

Important Questions

1) Does this ONLY Apply to Planets which ALREADY EXIST ????

2) Will this Apply to New Planets which are Created inside the Program ???

I need a method to Create Planets, which will have Continents and Water Areas on the surface - but which will be more "controllable" than any of the "Texture Generation" Programs which I have seen so far.
I need to be able to have Surfaces comprising Continents and Water Areas which are NOT Random - but more User Controllable.
There are distinct Limitations to my Skills - I am primarily a Writer.  I was also a CAD Draughtsman for some 40 years.  I can visualise the Planet I wish to create, both in broad and in detail - I can Write fairly detailed descriptions of these Planets, from my visualisation - the amount of detail depending on how much time I have available to Write the Description.
However - I AM NOT an Artist in any normal sence, although I could Draw the Surface Texture, on Paper with a pencil and Pen, Coloured Pencils and Coloured Pens.  This would be VERY time consuming for me.
I have TRIED to use some of the "Graphics Packages" - and they do not have the sort of feel or control which would allow me to use my ( Limited ) Skills to get a worthwhile result.
I NEED to be able to create Planetary Textures which match my Visualisations, and which fit my Written Descriptions.

3) So - with my nearly crippling Limitations - Is there any Software Package "out there" which will enable me to create useable Planetary Textures, which fir these requirements - and in particular Planetary Textures which "interface" with US ( possibly US 2.* ), and in particular, all of the new Advanced Features of US 3.* ????
Will the new Advanced US 3.* include such a wonderfully helpful capability ????

If Not - then I SERIOUSLY NEED TO "RECRUIT" A SKILLED AND GIFTED GRAPHICS ARTIST - One who has the time to spare, one who can see the POINT of what I am trying to do, One who will be enthusiastic enough about the whole Project to help me in this way, For Nothing.
The Project on which I am working, makes No Money, it is all for FUN - and I am a Retired Bloke with not a lot of Money, in any case.