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Author Topic: X files Textures Won't Show. Rendering problem? DirectX problem? Help pls  (Read 6659 times)


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I have successfully exported some models to X with the proper textures, but for some reason, most of them won't export the textures. I've have used Blender, 3DS MAX, Rhino3D, Cinema 4D and no textures.

The model assume the texture of the moon and won't show the proper one.

In all these programs I was able to render and see the correct textures, and also was able to turn on textures in the viewport and it also worked ok.

What can I possibly be doing wrong?

Attached is the shuttle I exported using Cinema 4D, the size a little off but still no rendering. I selected textures when I exported.

Dan, anyone?


Oh by the way, this is the very same shuttle Puddin exported successively here:

I know because of the bay doors and the texture. Same model.

Sorry here is the file:
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 09:43:49 AM by unl0cker »


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You forgot to attatch anything though, or maybe the file size exceeded the maximum.

However, no idea how to help you with the problem, sorry.


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I edited the post and attached the file. Not big at all, the Daedalus or ISS I've used are way bigger.


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Gave up... I'll just flatiron the image and set it in the texture box... :(

The end result I guess is the same visually speaking, dunno about performance.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 02:37:44 PM by unl0cker »


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yeah the texture and object map are different things

Dan Dixon

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Be sure to keep the original 3D files around as the .x format may not be supported in Universe Sandbox 3.