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Author Topic: Sc Fi Game / Sci Fi Wargme - From 2130 Onwards  (Read 2251 times)


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Sc Fi Game / Sci Fi Wargme - From 2130 Onwards
« on: November 07, 2012, 04:02:27 AM »
January 2130 - Earth finally discovers VERY FAST FTL Drive - 100,000 times C.

July 2130 onwards - New Star Systems found -

Alpha - One Habitable Planet, one nearly so.

Beta - No Habitable Planets - but two with massive Metal Sources.
Strange large metallic / mineral objects are found in this System.

Epsilon - Asteroids System, evidence of an Ancient Space Battle,
With damaged massive Alien Space Warships, later found ot be repairable.

X System - Asteroid System - One orbiting Artificial Structure, with strange emissions.
Later this is discovered to be an Alien Shipyard - and eventually repaired.

Y System - Three Planetoids - Secretly Discovered, and used as a "Pirate Base".

Z System - Calamity.  Two Ammonia Planets, two Nitrogen - Oxygen Eco-System Planets.
Strange Aliens have a Colony Fleet in this System - beginning colonisation of an Ammonia Planet, and attempting to Destroy all Life on the Nitrogen - Oxygen Planets.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2012, 04:08:25 AM by karakris »


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Re: Sc Fi Game / Sci Fi Wargme - From 2130 Onwards
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2012, 04:07:25 AM »
July 2131

We Research the metallics / mineral objects - and discover that these are "used" Cores - for a much faster type of FTL Drive.  This is the one-off 'Z' Drive or "Strafe Drive" - 1 Million times C.  However the Cores have to be specially processed, and can only be used once.  A Ship carrying "spare" Cores will go into a "quantum implosion" if it engages 'Z' Drive - so definitely a one-way Drive.

The contact with the Aliens trying to colonise the 'Z' System goes badly wrong.
We accidentally discover that they can be killed by Radio Wave Transmission.

After some thinking - we manage to get into contact with the Aliens - and send a Diplomatic Mission to meet them in the 'Z' System.  Amongst ourselves we are calling these Aliens "The Zetans".

That goes badly wrong - the Light Cruiser is captured by one of the Zetans Big Ships - and "swallowed".
The Zetan Ships does a FTL Jump to an unknown location.

After a couple of days, we located the System - from a special Beacon Signal from the Light Cruiser.
We send a "Rescue Fleet" - and have a damn big Shock !!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2012, 04:12:52 AM by karakris »


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Re: Sc Fi Game / Sci Fi Wargme - From 2130 Onwards
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2012, 04:23:26 AM »
The Rescue Fleet goes to the System - and discovers a Gigantic Alderson Disc.  This is around 3AU in outer diameter and 0.75 AU in inner diameter - about 50,000 Km thick.

There is a large explosion on the surface of the Alderson Disc - and the Light Cruiser emerges from the cloud of debris.

Our Detectors tell us that there are literally tens of thousands of People on board - views from the Comm Screens show crowds of People, nearly all of them being NOT Human.
A massive Alien Fleet appears - and so all Ships do a Jump, back to Sol.

We later discover that all of these Aliens were Slaves of the Zetans.  The Crew of the Light Cruiser we nearly all killed, in seemingly deliberately painful and inhuman experiments by the Zetans.  The Captain and three Crewmen managed to escape with the Cruiser, only because they were helped by some massive Zetan Slaves of the Korgoth Species, and by the Aliens onboard the Cruiser.

From the one existing member of the Rasthor People, who were Empaths and near Telepaths - we learn that the Zetans have a Slave Empire which covers around 70% of this Galaxy.  All Species are Enslaves or Exploited, as are all Planets - and Species which resists is Exterminated.

And thus begins the Long Running WAR with The Zetans.


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Re: Sc Fi Game / Sci Fi Wargme - From 2130 Onwards
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2012, 04:51:03 AM »
Sci Fi Wargame - History

Early 2132
The habitable Planet of the Alpha System now has a Population of 15 Billion - as a result of massive use of Cloning Technologies.
Metal Mining is proceeding in the Beta System - with Beta III and Beta IV producing loads of useful Metals and Minerals.

We have learned from the Rasthor, that the Zetans will be planning to Attack us next.
The Zetan Fleet comes - in three massive waves.

One wave arrives in the Alpha System, but is destroyed - however, there are several Ships damaged.  A massive Ship arrives seemingly "out of nowhere" - and destroys a number of Zetan Ships, the rest flee.
This is the Diplomacy - a Secret Ship, which has been built illegally by the President of Alpha, in the "pirate" Y System - using Materials which were stolen by the "pirates" under his control.

One wave arrives in the Beta System - but is beaten off with damage to our Ships.

One wave arrives in Sol System - and attacks our Fleet.  It destroys the Battle Station in orbit around Mars - and attacks the Terraformed Planet of Mars, killing Millions of People.
Our Fleet in Sol is in danger of being destroyed - then the Diplomacy appears, and destroys many of the Zetan Ships, the rest flee.


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Re: Sc Fi Game / Sci Fi Wargme - From 2130 Onwards
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2012, 04:56:45 AM »
July 2132
A Powerful Sol Fleet is sent to the Zetans System with the Alderson Disc.

On arrival, Space Fighters attack outlying Structures and the enormous Shipyard.
The main Fleet attacks the Alderson Disc, causing very heavy damage - evidence is that this is now becoming Unstable, and likely to crash into their Star.

The biggest Zetan Ship, the enormous Space Ship which fought at Sol, which we have called the "Goliath" is attacked, and destroyed.

A massive Zetan Fleet jumps into this Star System - and all of our Fleet jumps out, using the 'Z' Drive which is completely uintraceable.

On return to the Sol System - there is much jubilation among the Crews of the Ships of the Fleet.


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Re: Sc Fi Game / Sci Fi Wargme - From 2130 Onwards
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2012, 05:30:45 AM »
Late 2132

The colony in the Alpha System now has a Population of 18 Billion on the major Planet, and 1.5 Billion on the other Planet which is being Terraformed – and more Attican People elsewhere.

The People of this System are becoming more and more unhappy with being Governed from Earth, by The Sol Directorate.
The Foreign Minister of The Sol Directorate offers to go to Alpha System, to try to defuse and calm the situation.  He does the opposite, and seems to rile the people up, to making more and more unacceptable demands.

He resigns from the Sol Directorate, and is elected as President by the People of Alpha System – who name their Territory as the Attica System.  The main Planet ios named as Argos, and the other Planet is named as Ithica.

More and more demands are made by the Attican People – who see themselves as better than the People of Earth.  They are annoyed that so little money has been invested in their Colony, they have had to do most of it themselves.  The President of Attica makes a statement that “his” Ships will only get involved in War when he agrees, he will not let them be risked at the whim of The Sol Directorate.  Attica has also “hijacked” the ‘X’ Shipyards, which is nowc operational – and there are a number of Attican People in the ‘X’ System.

Feelings on Earth are getting very hot indeed – most people would like to execute the President of Attica, and also feel that the People of Attica should be left defenceless against the Zetans.

The very brief “Civil War” happens – the one we never talk about.  The Admiral of the Sol Space Command Fleet has both the Sol President and the C in C of the Sol Space Command, locked in their rooms.  Then he takes the Sol Fleet under his own command – and goes to the Attica System.

Without any warning – the Planet Argos is very thoroughly Nuked, making the whole Planet uninhabitable, and instantly killing 18 Billion Attican People.  The President, on board the Diplomacy responds.  The Attican Fleet goes to Sol System, and attacks Mars – killing most of the 4 Billion People who are now living there.
The Atticans have recently completed a Super Carrier for the Sol Fleet, but unknown to them – the Attican President has had many Nuclear Warheads hidden in this Ship. These are remotely detonated by the President himself.

A general Battle then ensues between the two Fleets – in which the Diplomacy is badly damaged, killing the Attican President.

Amazingly – the Battle seems to have reached a stalemate.

There is a Truce, and the Senior Officers from both Fleets come to a conference, together with Representatives of the survivors from Mars.

A solution is found – the creation of The Phoenix Confederation – comprising The Sol Dominion, The Attican Dominion, and the newly formed IPC Dominion, from the Aliens who were rescued from Slavery and are now Colonising three nearby Star Systems. The mutinous Admiral of the Sol Fleet is executed.
The new centre for The Phoenix Confederation is placed on one of the Beta Planets – Beta IV, where the Metals and Mierals have nearly run out.  This centre is to be underground, using the disused Mines and new carverns which are to be excavated.

A new President is elected by the People of Attica, the remaining 2 Billion who were not killed – suprisingly, this is the Commander of the Attican Scout Fleet, who chose to avoid becoming involved in the Space Battle.   


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Re: Sc Fi Game / Sci Fi Wargme - From 2130 Onwards
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2012, 05:33:14 AM »
I will add more to this Story, when I have the time -
but this Story continues up until May 2138.

This is an ongoing Sci Fi Game / Sci Fi Wargame on another Site.

There are now 9 or more Players in this Game -
More would be better


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Re: Sc Fi Game / Sci Fi Wargme - From 2130 Onwards
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2012, 06:28:35 AM »
where the hell is this site


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Re: Sc Fi Game / Sci Fi Wargme - From 2130 Onwards
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2012, 08:02:34 AM »
This is the Site -


This is the Main Thread -


This is the Chat Thread -


Loads more Threads - bt if you go there - say "Hi" in the Chat Thread.