What are you talking about!?
Clearly they are talking about the worst OS in the world. aka windows/micro$oft.
Seriously a shame that this is only for windows.
It's Probably one of the best, coolest softwares of its kind..
Yet it only runs on a crap operating system.
But as a side note..
"Universe Sandbox" is the ONLY software Ive ever seen that made me wish I still had a copy of windows somewhere.
I know your intentions are good, Dan,
But it really is unfair to have something so awesome.. only go to the users of one OS.
Not everyone in the world uses windows, you know?
and many, many astronomers do not use windows at all.
Really though...
It's got to be good if it makes me contemplate acquiring a version of windows just to run/try it..
and honestly... I dislike MS/windows more than I do most things.

Think about everyone..
Not just windows
users , most of which who no next to nothing about computers.