THis looks so realistic. Like in one screenshot i can see earths atmosphere so in ubox 3 u can add atmospheres to planets?

? Plus the star looks better than in ubox 2
And plus staurns rings instead of wut it is in ubox 2 crappy tiny balls in the picture the rings actually look like reel rings.
And here r my ideas wut should be added to universe sandbox 3
-more advanced collisions instead of a white mark and little dust in a asteroid collision if instead a crater would form and a fireball and fragments shooting out.
-PLanetary collisions. Instead of when a planet collides all that happens is that a gigantic white mark covers the planet and dust goes off. Can a planetary collision in universe sandbox 3 actually shatter off the crust or mantle of the larger planet?
-solar flares. If u can make stars shoot flares that would be cool.
-Supernovae. Why cant u make a star go supernova in universe sandbox 2?