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Author Topic: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?  (Read 44202 times)


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What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:27:14 PM »
Simple, what do you want guys?

I want:

Better Explosions
Better planet collisions
More Stars programmed  in such as Proxima Centuari, Rigil Kentaurus etc
Solar Flares
The Ability to age stars ( for instance I could age VY Canis Majoris 100 thousand years and watch it supernova and turn into a black hole!)

Well that's what I want.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2012, 03:13:51 PM »
1) A tool to measure distance in a straight line.

2) A solar system model that would represent the actual positions of our solar system for let us say 500 years. Not necessarily a simulation. Scripted would be nice as well, for a start.
3) Parameters for rings. It is quite strange to add rings with very slow speed to ultra fast spinning planets right now. I want to be able to accurately set their velocity AND their position around the planet.

4) Recently Dan posted a link on a site which provided data on satellites. A menu where you can add all the data of your choice to automatically reproduce satellites would be nice.

5) A tool/option for clockwise rotation. Not that it is any trouble putting a minus sign in front of the period as a workaround, it is just that you asked what we want.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 03:22:17 PM by Yannos »


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2012, 05:21:34 PM »
if possible at all... nebula!
maybe realistic atmospheres with models as an option


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2012, 06:22:26 PM »
here are some thing I want added.

1. the big bang
2.instead of ruling over one universe i want to rule over the multiverse.
3.when merging galxies its not soppused to all spread outwords in an explosion type thing. It should realisticly merge to create a bigger galaxy. Sometimes even turning a spiral into an eleptical.
4.more star type variotions like meadiem mass,(our sun) high mass,and small mass (like red dwafs and such.)
5. star and planet life cycles. like protostars,supernovas,red giants,protoplanets,nebulas etc.

Thats all i really want added at the moment.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2012, 06:12:39 AM »
1) A tool to measure distance in a straight line.
It would be nice to have an option to select two bodies have it measure distance (either from center or surface)

2) A solar system model that would represent the actual positions of our solar system for let us say 500 years. Not necessarily a simulation. Scripted would be nice as well, for a start.
Not just our system, but any star system :)  I would even settle for not watching the fast-forwarded progression.  Just say how far you want to jump in time, let the system do the calculation... even if it takes 2 minutes to run (I'll go make some coffee in the interim)


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2012, 10:07:25 AM »
1) A tool to measure distance in a straight line.
It would be nice to have an option to select two bodies have it measure distance (either from center or surface)

I'm pretty sure the 'distance from you' and 'distance from from x' is from surface to surface, otherwise it might be confusing.

Anyways, I agree with this. There have been many times that I wanted to see how close two objects were which aren't 'gravitationally connected'. It's possible to do it crudely by zooming in close to one of the bodies, right clicking another body and extrapolating from the distance from you.

Better Explosions
Better planet collisions

Better collisions is 100% in. Not sure about better explosions, however it was implied that the way explosions work might change. Having more control over the explosions would be good.

What I would like to see:

Much more advanced atmospheric models (not sure how advanced Dan is going to make it though)
Inclined object placement planes (it's locked at 0 atm)
Roche limit functionality

Not sure what else though as US3 will be awesome for sure.

Remy Zeno

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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2012, 12:17:53 PM »
I would like to see an effect of time, for example the birth of a star and its end as a red giant or supernova, resulting from the start-up-parameters, so a life-cycle-simulation of a starsystem would be possible.

I also would enjoy a improved version of the object-placement. More precisely, the additional option to add a object according to parameters, i.g. "1 mio km X, 2 mio km Y and 0,5 mio km Z away from object ABC". Another recommendation in this direction would be the possibility to save groups of objects, i.g. hole solar-systems, to place them as a hole in another simulation.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2012, 02:44:31 AM »
Got this sim over weekend and have yet to put it down. Thankyou Dan! ;)
I would like to see objects gain mass from being in a dust clouds. (Theres nothing like growing your own planet from scratch.)
Also; I would like to see gas clouds ( or nebulas as some have stated.)
Even a mixture of both? Make a dust and gas ring,  add a small mass, let time roll on...
Degrading orbits? I know the moons of Mars and Saturn are slowly being pulled in. would be nice to simulate.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2012, 09:44:55 AM »
Welcome to the forums McCain :)

Got this sim over weekend and have yet to put it down. Thankyou Dan! ;)
I would like to see objects gain mass from being in a dust clouds. (Theres nothing like growing your own planet from scratch.)

Degrading orbits? I know the moons of Mars and Saturn are slowly being pulled in. would be nice to simulate.

Only thing though is that right now, dust is actually made of massless particles, not bodies. However, Dan is looking at ways to simulate planet accretion.

Degrading orbits in the way you mean requires tidal forces, which I don't think we'll see anytime soon (not this year anyway), however there are ways to manually force the orbit to degrade.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2012, 10:36:21 AM »
To smjjames,

Thanks for the welcome!

lol, yeah I know my desires are a bit out of reach, I deal more with the flow of electrons than with coding of simulations.
I have some theories however, I'm going to perform some more rigorous thought experiments on the subject.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2012, 11:23:32 PM »
What I am hoping for is a list of over 100 known stars to chose from (Possibly over 1000). Not the main 15 or 20. A list of over 100 known planets including Extra-solar Planets (Possibly over 1000). Not the main 15 - 20. The same goes with Asteroids, Galaxy's, Nebula's and whatever else is added.

I want the ability to create a Star, Planet, Galaxy by putting a custom texture on it and defining it's stats and then actually saving it as a default selection to choose from so you don't have to create it again in a new simulation.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2012, 08:04:46 AM »
I would like to see objects gain mass from being in a dust clouds. (Theres nothing like growing your own planet from scratch.)

Something like GFARGO ?

- http://fargo.in2p3.fr/spip.php?article100

Would be very nice ( very, very nice !), but I think it would be difficult to implement in the US

Or not ?

[ ]´s


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2012, 12:04:16 PM »
3) Parameters for rings. It is quite strange to add rings with very slow speed to ultra fast spinning planets right now. I want to be able to accurately set their velocity AND their position around the planet.

You can't do that without breaking physics.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2012, 02:50:47 PM »
yes you can? don't we have orbital speed and radius value boxes for planets and other bodies currently?


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2012, 02:58:42 PM »
yes you can? don't we have orbital speed and radius value boxes for planets and other bodies currently?

Can you speed up the velocity of a moon and have it in the same SMA?

No? I thought so.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2012, 03:00:18 PM »
Making the SMA larger causes the planet to slow down i think.

Although a locking feature would be cool, an "unstretchable" cable to hold a body in orbit at any speed.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2012, 04:34:13 AM »
Making the SMA larger causes the planet to slow down i think.

Although a locking feature would be cool, an "unstretchable" cable to hold a body in orbit at any speed.

That option would be nice, however as Ubox is right now it is quite accurate on calculating period and sma.

I have been reading these days about famous comets and gradually been recreating a system than includes Halley, Hale Bopp, Swift-Tuttle and Hyakutake. I was impressed with what Ubox can do specially when adding Hyakutake and that is because he is a really long period comet. His original period was 13-14 k years.
However when he passed from our system, he was greatly affected and his sma became 1700 AU and his period about 70k years! Obviously Ubox can not simulate his exact velocity at each point of his journey, however putting him at a 1700 AU sma and completing his other parameters that are easily found with a google search, you get about 70k years period.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2012, 10:54:38 AM »
1: lightning and storms

 2:clouds moving aroud the planet

3:space ships!

4:real asterods

5:solar flears

6:planets forming form dust

7:terraforming planets

8:real planet suface to look around on and if possble walk around on

9:stars life span

10:real gas and bloom effects for stars

11:better planet skin and water effects

12:stars forming form gases

13:real N-body like sim
14:the night sides of  planets that is close to stars sould have lava glows like citys lights
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 12:32:58 PM by Kevin1994 »


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2012, 11:48:41 AM »
I am sort of new to Universe Sandbox so maybe my suggestions are simply based on ineptitude. However, here's some thoughts.

1. The moving around of objects is a bit counter-intuitive, especially in relation to relative height compared to a system's "horizon."

2. Textures are a bit weird in the way they are assigned to planets. When I tried separating my textures into neatly organized folders (as opposed having them in one big place) and then typing the name into the texture field (with <name of folder>/Filename.whatever), the game would load a texture, but forget it on a next reopening. I'd suggest an explorer type of dialog to open, so even if textures are forgotten damage could be repaired with just a few clicks. I'm sure such a feature can make customize options even greater.

3. Orbit parent is getting fixed right :P

4. From what I've noticed about the game, it's not very optimized. Truth to be told, there's a hell lot of gravity math probably bogging down the CPU, but graphic-wise the game is not spectacular (I'm not talking about the introduction of unrealistic stuff). Planets are not very spherical, dust=slow motion, planets do not cast shadows, etc., etc. Or maybe, again, it is simply me who doesn't know how to tweak it. I know the game is going to get a visual buff with the new version, but I was curious to know whether it would be simply a buff, or perhaps a rework because my average, soon to be below average machine would like really much to play the game as it's meant to be.
EDIT: NI think I answered myself that, so sorry for it :) "This is a full rewrite of Universe Sandbox in a new 3D engine." says Dan here: http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,5865.0.html

Anyway, I apologize, if some of the things have already been said. I'm a bit of a noob and haven't really lurked around the forums for too long (a thing that's probably going to change! :P), but from what I've seen from the game/experience Ubox and it's community are one of the most relaxing things after a hard day :)


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2012, 12:48:06 PM »
15:brown dawfs and other types of stars

16:volcaons on planets

17:tictoinit shifs on planets

18:thining of the planets atmosphres over time and seeing water vaporing from the planets suface becoming mars like.

18:real look alike galaxys and it's gases

19:interaer of a planet to see how the planet looks like on the inside

20:real astroy fileds and dust   


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2012, 07:12:35 AM »
21: improve bloom effects for stars

22:improve shadows effects for planets

23:improve modding the planets and effects

24: put some music   into US3

25:put weather effects on planets and gas giants

26:improve light shine on stars and planets

27:Improve  tutorial for new players

28:Improve the UI for US3


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2012, 07:21:34 AM »
29: improve the Hill sphere and roche limit

30:Improve the trails

31:Improve  shadows on Rings

32: Improve the old Glow effects for US3


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2012, 07:32:25 AM »
What do you mean by improving hill sphere and roche limit?

What would make trails look better?

Whats wrong with the shadows on the rings? :P


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2012, 07:40:50 AM »
What do you mean by improving hill sphere and Roche limit?

What would make trails look better?

Whats wrong with the shadows on the rings? :P
many things are Wrong with the shadows lol :P


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2012, 07:50:49 AM »
can you give examples?


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2012, 08:04:43 AM »
Kevin, have you seen the screenshots and read what Dan has said, some of those stuff WILL be in US3.

@mudkipz: For roche limit, I would guess have it function, no idea about hill spheres as they work fine to me.

7: Wouldn't it be better to just change the skin?

10: Given the new atmosphere effect, we could very well see this.

14: The same would also apply for primordial planets.

16&17: Come on, its a gravity simulator not a geology simulator.

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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2012, 06:53:28 PM »
These are all great ideas. Keep them coming.

@Kevin - You need to add each item as its own listing on the community idea list.

And yes... we're working on (at least) a few of them for the v3 release later this year.


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2012, 06:55:30 AM »
thank you  ;)


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2012, 10:25:41 AM »
Dan are things like nebulae possible?


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Re: What do you want Universe Sandbox 3 to have?
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2012, 12:57:43 PM »
currently dust and gas are shown by particles. Nebulae are possible as objects, but you'd have to make a 3d model and it'd be a solid, not a liquid or gas. It might be possible to add them, but the simulater would need a fluid dynamics thingy