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Author Topic: NationStates  (Read 522649 times)


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #510 on: May 30, 2012, 10:58:19 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:49:21 AM by FiahOwl »


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: NationStates
« Reply #511 on: May 30, 2012, 11:00:41 AM »

1. yes is there a problem with not caring about leaders? all holykol's leaders are fair and cute.

There's a problem when nobody gives a fuck about who gets elected.



2. nothing to get corrupt with when everything is public... thats a lie

You're no communist then.

if communism, nothing to get corrupt with because nothing is anyone's

but you're nor communist because it shows you are corrupt!

i am communist because there is nothing to be corrupt with. Normally a person is corrupt when he seizes money or stuff but he can't in communism because there is nothing to take.

3. It's better than dying expectedly!

I'd rather know that I'd probably die in 80 years rather then getting the plague tomorrow

I'd rather not know when I'd die than knowing I'd die in 5 minutes

So you're not bothered if you are more likely to get hit by a bus instead of living to age 60?

Are you more bothered that you have cancer and have 3 weeks to live or living up to the age of 60?

4. It's only because you have higher economy...


they have more population, thus monies.

I think it means as a percentage of GDP

thinking has nothing to do with it. we'd better just leave this alone unless you find proof of it somewhere


1. holykol is funded by the kallistan pr department :P

Makes sense

yes it does. holykol is like, the pretty side of kallisto :)

2. less deaths = less healthcare req.

It really depends on howthe NS stats work.

So does everthing... population depends on ns stats too...

3. What if we don't need to be intelligent...

Then you are the laughing stock of the world for not knowing how to make a car.

cars? eww bicycles ftw

I'd love to see how your dumb citizens would do against an Aeridane in history/science/math.

I'd love to see it matter at all

4. longer life =/= good

Explain why.

well you could have a long life in misery or a shorter one filled with happiness

Who says you can't have a happy long life?

no one. but you can also have a happy short life, so this longer life thing does not necessarily a good thing


1. Yeah we have the freedom to be obese...

So do my citizens

less of yours are obese which means it's discouraged by your gov not subsidizing unhealthy foods or something.

Isn't that a good thing?

It's preventing people from being obese, but my people have the freedom to become obese, kill themselves, whatever. There is no good/bad/right/wrong on this really, and we could go on for pages on this topic

2. A communist state dunt need gov

Why does NS stats say you have a government then?

because max barry isn't communist

3. Freedom of religion isn't a problem.

I think it's better to have smarter citizens

religion =/= dumb

I don't mean to be against the naturist or buddists, I just like to have less people who like to spout god is coming for christmas

Whats' wrong with that.

4. Yur people dunt take risks

That has nothing to do with it..

then what does

It means less of my people like to rob your ass or set you on fire

Lovely. thats allowed in holykol, and everyone is happy with it. You can opt out from the fun if you want though.


1. Work from home.

If you are working from home then you are not unemployed.

If i work from home i don't need transport or this public transport. we use bicyles :)

My bad, I was confusing this one with the one below

2. nationstates isn't very accurate with this. communism has 100% employment theoretically.

You're not communist then. Suck it up.

i am communist. 82% public. the rest is lemonade stands.

Nationstates says otherwise

What do you mean :P nationstates say i have 82% public which is pretty much communist, more so than you are and you declare yourself to be socialist.


last week =/= this week

also religious is not a bad thing necessarily. fighting over it is.


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #512 on: May 30, 2012, 11:08:43 AM »
No please go on, I'm so excited to see what they'll do when they run out of colors.


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #513 on: May 30, 2012, 11:09:18 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:49:18 AM by FiahOwl »


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: NationStates
« Reply #514 on: May 30, 2012, 11:15:19 AM »

1. yes is there a problem with not caring about leaders? all holykol's leaders are fair and cute.

There's a problem when nobody gives a fuck about who gets elected.



2. nothing to get corrupt with when everything is public... thats a lie

You're no communist then.

if communism, nothing to get corrupt with because nothing is anyone's

but you're nor communist because it shows you are corrupt!

i am communist because there is nothing to be corrupt with. Normally a person is corrupt when he seizes money or stuff but he can't in communism because there is nothing to take.

3. It's better than dying expectedly!

I'd rather know that I'd probably die in 80 years rather then getting the plague tomorrow

I'd rather not know when I'd die than knowing I'd die in 5 minutes

So you're not bothered if you are more likely to get hit by a bus instead of living to age 60?

Are you more bothered that you have cancer and have 3 weeks to live or living up to the age of 60?

What I mean is that my citizens are less likely to get cancer and more likely to live to 60, as in this example

you could unexpectedly die at age of 70 when the normal lifespa

4. It's only because you have higher economy...


they have more population, thus monies.

I think it means as a percentage of GDP

thinking has nothing to do with it. we'd better just leave this alone unless you find proof of it somewhere


1. holykol is funded by the kallistan pr department :P

Makes sense

yes it does. holykol is like, the pretty side of kallisto :)

2. less deaths = less healthcare req.

It really depends on howthe NS stats work.

So does everthing... population depends on ns stats too...

3. What if we don't need to be intelligent...

Then you are the laughing stock of the world for not knowing how to make a car.

cars? eww bicycles ftw

I'd love to see how your dumb citizens would do against an Aeridane in history/science/math.

I'd love to see it matter at all

Umm... xD


4. longer life =/= good

Explain why.

well you could have a long life in misery or a shorter one filled with happiness

Who says you can't have a happy long life?

no one. but you can also have a happy short life, so this longer life thing does not necessarily a good thing

A shorter life does not necessarily mean a good life either

So, we have established that lifespan does not mean good.

1. Yeah we have the freedom to be obese...

So do my citizens

less of yours are obese which means it's discouraged by your gov not subsidizing unhealthy foods or something.

Isn't that a good thing?

It's preventing people from being obese, but my people have the freedom to become obese, kill themselves, whatever. There is no good/bad/right/wrong on this really, and we could go on for pages on this topic

2. A communist state dunt need gov

Why does NS stats say you have a government then?

because max barry isn't communist

3. Freedom of religion isn't a problem.

I think it's better to have smarter citizens

religion =/= dumb

I don't mean to be against the naturist or buddists, I just like to have less people who like to spout god is coming for christmas

Whats' wrong with that.

4. Yur people dunt take risks

That has nothing to do with it..

then what does

It means less of my people like to rob your ass or set you on fire

Lovely. thats allowed in holykol, and everyone is happy with it. You can opt out from the fun if you want though.

I like to have a more "civilized" society but w/e.

what does setting people's butts on fire have to do with civilized. maybe it's considered polite here.


1. Work from home.

If you are working from home then you are not unemployed.

If i work from home i don't need transport or this public transport. we use bicyles :)

My bad, I was confusing this one with the one below

2. nationstates isn't very accurate with this. communism has 100% employment theoretically.

You're not communist then. Suck it up.

i am communist. 82% public. the rest is lemonade stands.

Nationstates says otherwise

What do you mean :P nationstates say i have 82% public which is pretty much communist, more so than you are and you declare yourself to be socialist.


last week =/= this week

also religious is not a bad thing necessarily. fighting over it is.


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #515 on: May 30, 2012, 11:19:20 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:49:15 AM by FiahOwl »


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: NationStates
« Reply #516 on: May 30, 2012, 11:28:33 AM »

1. yes is there a problem with not caring about leaders? all holykol's leaders are fair and cute.

There's a problem when nobody gives a fuck about who gets elected.



2. nothing to get corrupt with when everything is public... thats a lie

You're no communist then.

if communism, nothing to get corrupt with because nothing is anyone's

but you're nor communist because it shows you are corrupt!

i am communist because there is nothing to be corrupt with. Normally a person is corrupt when he seizes money or stuff but he can't in communism because there is nothing to take.

3. It's better than dying expectedly!

I'd rather know that I'd probably die in 80 years rather then getting the plague tomorrow

I'd rather not know when I'd die than knowing I'd die in 5 minutes

So you're not bothered if you are more likely to get hit by a bus instead of living to age 60?

Are you more bothered that you have cancer and have 3 weeks to live or living up to the age of 60?

What I mean is that my citizens are less likely to get cancer and more likely to live to 60, as in this example

you could unexpectedly die at age of 70 when the normal lifespa

Yes you could but my point is that an Aeridane is more likely to do that than get murdered

4. It's only because you have higher economy...


they have more population, thus monies.

I think it means as a percentage of GDP

thinking has nothing to do with it. we'd better just leave this alone unless you find proof of it somewhere


1. holykol is funded by the kallistan pr department :P

Makes sense

yes it does. holykol is like, the pretty side of kallisto :)

2. less deaths = less healthcare req.

It really depends on howthe NS stats work.

So does everthing... population depends on ns stats too...

3. What if we don't need to be intelligent...

Then you are the laughing stock of the world for not knowing how to make a car.

cars? eww bicycles ftw

I'd love to see how your dumb citizens would do against an Aeridane in history/science/math.

I'd love to see it matter at all

Umm... xD



invalid response

4. longer life =/= good

Explain why.

well you could have a long life in misery or a shorter one filled with happiness

Who says you can't have a happy long life?

no one. but you can also have a happy short life, so this longer life thing does not necessarily a good thing

A shorter life does not necessarily mean a good life either

So, we have established that lifespan does not mean good.

:o what?

i said, we have established that lifespan doesn't mean your country is better or worse.


1. Yeah we have the freedom to be obese...

So do my citizens

less of yours are obese which means it's discouraged by your gov not subsidizing unhealthy foods or something.

Isn't that a good thing?

It's preventing people from being obese, but my people have the freedom to become obese, kill themselves, whatever. There is no good/bad/right/wrong on this really, and we could go on for pages on this topic

2. A communist state dunt need gov

Why does NS stats say you have a government then?

because max barry isn't communist

3. Freedom of religion isn't a problem.

I think it's better to have smarter citizens

religion =/= dumb

I don't mean to be against the naturist or buddists, I just like to have less people who like to spout god is coming for christmas

Whats' wrong with that.

4. Yur people dunt take risks

That has nothing to do with it..

then what does

It means less of my people like to rob your ass or set you on fire

Lovely. thats allowed in holykol, and everyone is happy with it. You can opt out from the fun if you want though.

I like to have a more "civilized" society but w/e.

what does setting people's butts on fire have to do with civilized. maybe it's considered polite here.


invalid answer


1. Work from home.

If you are working from home then you are not unemployed.

If i work from home i don't need transport or this public transport. we use bicyles :)

My bad, I was confusing this one with the one below

2. nationstates isn't very accurate with this. communism has 100% employment theoretically.

You're not communist then. Suck it up.

i am communist. 82% public. the rest is lemonade stands.

Nationstates says otherwise

What do you mean :P nationstates say i have 82% public which is pretty much communist, more so than you are and you declare yourself to be socialist.


last week =/= this week

also religious is not a bad thing necessarily. fighting over it is.


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #517 on: May 30, 2012, 11:28:43 AM »


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #518 on: May 30, 2012, 11:43:44 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:49:12 AM by FiahOwl »


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: NationStates
« Reply #519 on: May 30, 2012, 11:45:40 AM »

1. yes is there a problem with not caring about leaders? all holykol's leaders are fair and cute.

There's a problem when nobody gives a fuck about who gets elected.



2. nothing to get corrupt with when everything is public... thats a lie

You're no communist then.

if communism, nothing to get corrupt with because nothing is anyone's

but you're nor communist because it shows you are corrupt!

i am communist because there is nothing to be corrupt with. Normally a person is corrupt when he seizes money or stuff but he can't in communism because there is nothing to take.

3. It's better than dying expectedly!

I'd rather know that I'd probably die in 80 years rather then getting the plague tomorrow

I'd rather not know when I'd die than knowing I'd die in 5 minutes

So you're not bothered if you are more likely to get hit by a bus instead of living to age 60?

Are you more bothered that you have cancer and have 3 weeks to live or living up to the age of 60?

What I mean is that my citizens are less likely to get cancer and more likely to live to 60, as in this example

you could unexpectedly die at age of 70 when the normal lifespa

Yes you could but my point is that an Aeridane is more likely to do that than get murdered

4. It's only because you have higher economy...


they have more population, thus monies.

I think it means as a percentage of GDP

thinking has nothing to do with it. we'd better just leave this alone unless you find proof of it somewhere


1. holykol is funded by the kallistan pr department :P

Makes sense

yes it does. holykol is like, the pretty side of kallisto :)

2. less deaths = less healthcare req.

It really depends on howthe NS stats work.

So does everthing... population depends on ns stats too...

3. What if we don't need to be intelligent...

Then you are the laughing stock of the world for not knowing how to make a car.

cars? eww bicycles ftw

I'd love to see how your dumb citizens would do against an Aeridane in history/science/math.

I'd love to see it matter at all

Umm... xD



invalid response

Do Holykolans like pasta?

4. longer life =/= good

Explain why.

well you could have a long life in misery or a shorter one filled with happiness

Who says you can't have a happy long life?

no one. but you can also have a happy short life, so this longer life thing does not necessarily a good thing

A shorter life does not necessarily mean a good life either

So, we have established that lifespan does not mean good.

:o what?

i said, we have established that lifespan doesn't mean your country is better or worse.

We have established that an Aeridane would generally live longer.

We have also established that this is not necessarily a good thing.


1. Yeah we have the freedom to be obese...

So do my citizens

less of yours are obese which means it's discouraged by your gov not subsidizing unhealthy foods or something.

Isn't that a good thing?

It's preventing people from being obese, but my people have the freedom to become obese, kill themselves, whatever. There is no good/bad/right/wrong on this really, and we could go on for pages on this topic

2. A communist state dunt need gov

Why does NS stats say you have a government then?

because max barry isn't communist

3. Freedom of religion isn't a problem.

I think it's better to have smarter citizens

religion =/= dumb

I don't mean to be against the naturist or buddists, I just like to have less people who like to spout god is coming for christmas

Whats' wrong with that.

4. Yur people dunt take risks

That has nothing to do with it..

then what does

It means less of my people like to rob your ass or set you on fire

Lovely. thats allowed in holykol, and everyone is happy with it. You can opt out from the fun if you want though.

I like to have a more "civilized" society but w/e.

what does setting people's butts on fire have to do with civilized. maybe it's considered polite here.


invalid answer

Aeridanes like pizza


1. Work from home.

If you are working from home then you are not unemployed.

If i work from home i don't need transport or this public transport. we use bicyles :)

My bad, I was confusing this one with the one below

2. nationstates isn't very accurate with this. communism has 100% employment theoretically.

You're not communist then. Suck it up.

i am communist. 82% public. the rest is lemonade stands.

Nationstates says otherwise

What do you mean :P nationstates say i have 82% public which is pretty much communist, more so than you are and you declare yourself to be socialist.


last week =/= this week

also religious is not a bad thing necessarily. fighting over it is.


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #520 on: May 30, 2012, 11:51:32 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:49:09 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #521 on: May 30, 2012, 11:53:25 AM »
what color are you using i can't read shit.


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #522 on: May 30, 2012, 11:54:51 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:49:05 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #524 on: May 30, 2012, 12:08:44 PM »
Now here's your commercial break


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #525 on: May 30, 2012, 12:16:37 PM »

1. yes is there a problem with not caring about leaders? all holykol's leaders are fair and cute.

There's a problem when nobody gives a fuck about who gets elected.



2. nothing to get corrupt with when everything is public... thats a lie

You're no communist then.

if communism, nothing to get corrupt with because nothing is anyone's

but you're nor communist because it shows you are corrupt!

i am communist because there is nothing to be corrupt with. Normally a person is corrupt when he seizes money or stuff but he can't in communism because there is nothing to take.

3. It's better than dying expectedly!

I'd rather know that I'd probably die in 80 years rather then getting the plague tomorrow

I'd rather not know when I'd die than knowing I'd die in 5 minutes

So you're not bothered if you are more likely to get hit by a bus instead of living to age 60?

Are you more bothered that you have cancer and have 3 weeks to live or living up to the age of 60?

What I mean is that my citizens are less likely to get cancer and more likely to live to 60, as in this example

you could unexpectedly die at age of 70 when the normal lifespa

Yes you could but my point is that an Aeridane is more likely to do that than get murdered

4. It's only because you have higher economy...


they have more population, thus monies.

I think it means as a percentage of GDP

thinking has nothing to do with it. we'd better just leave this alone unless you find proof of it somewhere


1. holykol is funded by the kallistan pr department :P

Makes sense

yes it does. holykol is like, the pretty side of kallisto :)

2. less deaths = less healthcare req.

It really depends on howthe NS stats work.

So does everthing... population depends on ns stats too...

3. What if we don't need to be intelligent...

Then you are the laughing stock of the world for not knowing how to make a car.

cars? eww bicycles ftw

I'd love to see how your dumb citizens would do against an Aeridane in history/science/math.

I'd love to see it matter at all

Umm... xD



invalid response

Do Holykolans like pasta?

4. longer life =/= good

Explain why.

well you could have a long life in misery or a shorter one filled with happiness

Who says you can't have a happy long life?

no one. but you can also have a happy short life, so this longer life thing does not necessarily a good thing

A shorter life does not necessarily mean a good life either

So, we have established that lifespan does not mean good.

:o what?

i said, we have established that lifespan doesn't mean your country is better or worse.

We have established that an Aeridane would generally live longer.

We have also established that this is not necessarily a good thing.

true true. But why did you just copy my orange characters? Do you want to get us mixed up?

no it was accident


1. Yeah we have the freedom to be obese...

So do my citizens

less of yours are obese which means it's discouraged by your gov not subsidizing unhealthy foods or something.

Isn't that a good thing?

It's preventing people from being obese, but my people have the freedom to become obese, kill themselves, whatever. There is no good/bad/right/wrong on this really, and we could go on for pages on this topic

2. A communist state dunt need gov

Why does NS stats say you have a government then?

because max barry isn't communist

3. Freedom of religion isn't a problem.

I think it's better to have smarter citizens

religion =/= dumb

I don't mean to be against the naturist or buddists, I just like to have less people who like to spout god is coming for christmas

Whats' wrong with that.

4. Yur people dunt take risks

That has nothing to do with it..

then what does

It means less of my people like to rob your ass or set you on fire

Lovely. thats allowed in holykol, and everyone is happy with it. You can opt out from the fun if you want though.

I like to have a more "civilized" society but w/e.

what does setting people's butts on fire have to do with civilized. maybe it's considered polite here.


invalid answer

Aeridanes like pizza


1. Work from home.

If you are working from home then you are not unemployed.

If i work from home i don't need transport or this public transport. we use bicyles :)

My bad, I was confusing this one with the one below

2. nationstates isn't very accurate with this. communism has 100% employment theoretically.

You're not communist then. Suck it up.

i am communist. 82% public. the rest is lemonade stands.

Nationstates says otherwise

What do you mean :P nationstates say i have 82% public which is pretty much communist, more so than you are and you declare yourself to be socialist.


last week =/= this week

also religious is not a bad thing necessarily. fighting over it is.


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #526 on: May 30, 2012, 12:22:22 PM »
inb4 TND gets voted


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #527 on: May 30, 2012, 12:24:23 PM »
needs more blood


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #528 on: May 30, 2012, 12:28:03 PM »
Who says it's blood? :V


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #529 on: May 30, 2012, 12:39:19 PM »
needs more noise


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #530 on: May 30, 2012, 12:44:29 PM »
Who says it's noise?



pthtasdjfasgd hjhsdhjf


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #531 on: May 30, 2012, 12:50:04 PM »
* mudkipz explodes matty


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #532 on: May 30, 2012, 01:01:29 PM »
I'm not sure you grasp that there's even a such thing as being "civilized."

Also, @ lifespans, would you rather live with the burden of death for 2 whole years knowing the approximate day you're going to die, or just die, and have only minutes, seconds, or even unexpectedly die in your sleep, and have lived the rest of your life not worrying about it?
« Last Edit: May 30, 2012, 01:10:40 PM by atomic7732 »


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #533 on: May 30, 2012, 02:17:05 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:49:02 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #534 on: May 30, 2012, 02:19:05 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:48:59 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #535 on: May 30, 2012, 04:06:58 PM »
Get rid of stuff you're done talking about.


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #536 on: June 02, 2012, 09:36:24 AM »
When I saw this one, I was like "AAA! Balkanization!" at first, but after reading it, I figured it was more like going towards a federal or parliamentary government.

Option 1: Still seems a bit like balkanization to me (I know it won't actually happen that way in NS, other than through roleplay), but I'm going for this one, despite the risk.

Option 2: Business as usual I guess? Plus some downsizing.

Option 3: Authoritarian Dictatorship, no thank you. (Maybe this is considered more communist by you guys, but I don't want to go this way.)

Southern Kaeshar Demands Semi-Autonomy
The Issue

Politicians from a distant and obscure part of Kaeshar have been calling for the government to split Kaeshar into various semi-autonomous regions, each with an elected council to govern their designated area.
The Debate

    "The government is too centralised," complains rural villager, Stan Fellow. "We get these big-city politicians making rulings that affect our way of life, when they have absolutely no idea what our way of life is! One of them even suggested that farmers should be banned from picking crops in case they disturbed the local wildlife! What we need are various councils to govern their own part of Kaeshar, giving us the chance to have our say on laws affecting our area. It'll bring politics to the people! Of course this will require the implementation of a council tax to fund it all, but if that's the cost of more political freedom, then so be it!"

    "Councils? Are you mad?" gasps political commentator, Bharatendu Neumann. "Most of the politicians we already have earn very large sums each year - and you want to employ even more?! We must not listen to the whims of some dangerous separatist movement; next they'll be wanting independence! I suggest we keep the government in one place where we can keep an eye on it and stop creating more jobs for over-paid politicians. Heck, why not trim off the ones we don't need while we're at it and give some leeway to the taxpayers? Anyway, if we allowed places like West Kaeshar to make decisions for themselves, they would soon be introducing laws allowing them to marry their cousins or something - you know what they're like..."

    "These people are obviously power-hungry lunatics," whispers Hack Patel, one of your innumerable advisors. "They're simply trying to loosen your grip on the nation! Let's just send anyone who opposes your absolute rule to the gallows and ban elections. We hardly need them when you always know what to do! There may be some protest, but we can just lower taxes and they'll be as happy as clams."


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #537 on: June 02, 2012, 09:43:32 AM »
Sort of looks like a fascist dictatorship to me, not like a communist dictatorship.


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #538 on: June 02, 2012, 09:45:49 AM »
Its still an authoritarian dictatorship.


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Re: NationStates
« Reply #539 on: June 02, 2012, 10:18:16 AM »
There's nothing about that third option which is remotely related to communism.

Plus it speaks about lowering the taxes, I don't see how on Earth that would be related to communism in any way.