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Author Topic: Trying to make Gliese 581 but doesn't work!  (Read 3903 times)


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Trying to make Gliese 581 but doesn't work!
« on: October 12, 2012, 03:51:21 PM »
I have been trying to make the star Gliese 581.  It's properties are 0.31 Sun masses, 0.29 Sun diameters, Luminosity is 0.013, temp is 3480 K, and metallicity is -0.33.  I set all those numbers in for their properties but when I change the degrees K to 3480 the its mass changes to 0.28 Suns and the luminosity changes to 0.011!  Then when I change the mass from 0.28 Suns back to 0.31 Suns the degrees in K jumps to 3851 and its Luminosity goes to 0.017!  And the star turns white instead of red because of this!  Mabie if there was a property where you could edit the metallicity to -0.33 mabie the game will work out the properties of the star to have a mass of 0.31 Suns, a Luminosity of 0.013, makes the star red, and makes it have a temp of 3480 K.  Is there an area where you can edit the metallicity?   ??? ??? ??? ??? ???


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Re: Trying to make Gliese 581 but doesn't work!
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2012, 04:48:52 PM »
there is no way to get it perfect afaik because the temperature and luminosity will override locks; however you can get it almost exactly right except a discrepancy of 0.003 in luminosity:

first uncheck the box to the right of luminosity
then set the mass, with diameter locked
then set the diameter, with the mass locked
next, with the diameter locked and luminosity unlocked, set the temperature

also there is no way to set the metallicity


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Re: Trying to make Gliese 581 but doesn't work!
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2012, 05:10:32 PM »
Yeah, the way it's done currently can be a hassle. Should be better in Ubox3.


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Re: Trying to make Gliese 581 but doesn't work!
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2012, 03:53:44 PM »
I made a simulation of Gliese 581.
But I can't upload it yet; Ubox's acting up, so I can't finalize any changes.