Ikr... I was insecure and in denial about myself and everything. I remember someone at school asking me "is there death penalty for being gay in Blaland?" or something similar, and I would say "yes".
I wasn't into nazism or religion or anything, I've always been against that... Although the above does actually sound completely insane and nazi. Well, I was never into racism or antisemitism or killing handicapped people or gypsies or any other minority. I don't think I actually meant that gays should be killed either.
And anything before around 2006 is purely family influence.
It's really hard to remember how my views and stuff were years ago. But some years ago I had no (or denied) any feeling of solidarity towards other people and didn't consider equality a value. Not for any rational reason, but probably because I was insecure. Very stupid, I know.
Kipz, is your spectrum serious?

Because I wouldn't guess that.