Is there a way to save my current simulation on top of itself? It seems that no matter how I save, it creates a new file. The quick save icon at top left creates a new file that is always "My System" + date/time, and saving with file name doesn't start with the current simulations name, but if I type the same file name, it always add a number rather than saving over top.
Which means that saving as a I work to make sure I don't lose anything if program or computer crashes creates a lot of files, and when I go to load, trying to figure which one I should load is tricky.
Also, it seems that as I increase simulation speed, planetary rings fall apart, and if I make a sudden change in simulation speed they instantly fly away.
Lastly, could we get an option where clicking on a number to change it makes the value change when moving the mouse up/down while clicking. The current click on arrow and hold to increase or decrease is kind of cumbersome, especially when trying to fine tune a value, where I'd like to be able to move the mouse up quick for big changes, just a little for small changes, but if I'm not moving the mouse the value stays even while holding the mouse button. Similar to the behaviour of "spinner" type parameters in most all applications. The arrows could stay, but just have the usual spinner behaviour if you click and hold on the value while dragging up/down.