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Author Topic: Sandbox to Space Engine  (Read 3030 times)


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Sandbox to Space Engine
« on: November 06, 2012, 09:08:25 AM »
I've recently become a huge fan of Space Engine, a space simulation where you can explore the universe. (See link below)

The main appeal for me is visuals, but it has its' limitations. While you can create systems, it's a rather difficult process. I use Universe Sandbox for setting up the systems, and plug in the data via editing notepad++ documents for SE. What would be a cool update, if it's possible, is if we could save systems in a format that could be easily transferred to SE.


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Re: Sandbox to Space Engine
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2012, 09:14:16 AM »
Yeah, it would be cool if both Dan and Vladimir (nickname is Vova though) collaborated to make saves and stuff be transferable  between the two. Yes both of them are awesome, but they both complement each other as well.