But we first have to get there...cheaply.
That type of thinking is whats wrong with our world

If we are ever going to become a species that lives on more than 1 planet, we have to stop thinking about space and research in terms of $$$. It just wont work.
Everything from launching a rocket & building a space station, to something as complex as building a colony on the moon or mars, costs so insanely much. It wont be done if there aint huge profit to be made.
The only way we will be able to do it properly is by somehow (i dont know how, im no genious) get a revolution in our society so we dont depend on money anymore. You cant colonize other planets or travel to other stars if you let monetary systems stand in the way of proper quality spaceships.
What im saying is, if everything is still going to be built by the lowest bidder (cheapest materials and construction methods), we wont get very far

Money and the concept of economy is the main obstacle that we have to get past.