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Author Topic: Welp, looks like we're going back to the 1500s  (Read 2192 times)


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Welp, looks like we're going back to the 1500s
« on: September 04, 2011, 12:55:54 PM »
In August 2011, following an Italian government announcement that all villages with under 1,000 residents would have to merge with nearby villages in order to cut administrative costs, forcing Filettino to merge with the neighbouring town of Trevi nel Lazio, the village's mayor Luca Sellari started a campaign for Filettino to become an independent state. The village began to print its own currency, the fiorito, which translates as "flowered", referring to how Filettino will "flower under its new guise", according to the mayor, and alluding to the currency first minted in 13th-century Florence, the florin. Though currently still just a tourist souvenir, if it gains official status the fiorito's exchange rate will be two to the euro.

The citizens intend to invite prince Emanuele Filiberto, from the deposed Italian royal family, to become the Prince of Filettino.

The independence movement created its own coat of arms (motto: "Nec flector, nec frangor" — we won't bow or break).

Old news but it's interesting.


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Re: Welp, looks like we're going back to the 1500s
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2011, 01:12:42 PM »
so could like i just declare myself a seperate state and be recognized on a map or something?
how does this work, exactly


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Re: Welp, looks like we're going back to the 1500s
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2011, 01:34:26 PM »
so could like i just declare myself a seperate state and be recognized on a map or something?
how does this work, exactly
No one has recognized the 'state', yet.
To gain support, you must revolt against the country you are declaring independence from and its allies. This would very likely lead to a war, so I don't recommend it. To declare independence peacefully, you must hold a referendum with the support of the citizens of the city. Otherwise it'd be useless just to vote by yourself.


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Re: Welp, looks like we're going back to the 1500s
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2011, 02:55:59 PM »
The Free County of South Yorkshire has a nice ring to it.


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Re: Welp, looks like we're going back to the 1500s
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2011, 04:16:06 PM »
So... maybe Naru was on to something with October 14?