I've wondered if it wouldn't be a good idea to make a game out of Usandbox.
I love the idea, but it requires more resources that I have at my disposal. Does anyone have $100,000+ they'd like to throw at this problem?

I also don't know what kind of "burocratic" procedures should be made in order to relese a game for xbox 360 or ps3.
Commercial games released for the Xbox, PS3, and Wii all require approval from the console developer (Microsoft, Sony, & Nintendo) and thousands of dollars in licensing and testing fees.
Releasing a game via Xbox live or WiiWare is a simpler proposition.
Well the 360 is a platform very similar to the pc in terms of coding.
This is generally true. It would still be a huge undertaking to modify Universe Sandbox to work on the Xbox (not to mention developing a controller friendly UI).